Proof Mila can't act

She is terrible in this. Really bad. Shows, more than anything, unless she's fkn the director, it's hard to get a good performance out of her. She's mediocre at best in RE films, but here she's terrible.

The film had a great premise, but such bad execution, that it's a real shame. I think someone with a better imagination and better directing skills could remake this into something special.



I liked her in this movie, this is definitely her genre.


Was she? I thought she was pretty good and did a decent job.



I think she needs a director that can reign her in. She overacts everything, so a good director is needed to control her. The only movie where I think she was competent was Fifth Element


I thought she played a very convincing role. Although, the dialogue kinda pissed me off, but that would be the script's fault, not hers.

"Some legends are written in blood" R.I.P. Andy Whitfield (SPARTACUS)


I came to this thread to read what I imagined would be several specific examples of scenes from the movie that the OP had analyzed and presented as criterion to back up the claim that Jovovich 'can't act'. Having been an active participant on the IMDb forums for many years I should have known better.

All this post proves is that the OP (THERAHMAN) can't form any sort of substantiative argument - 'she is terrible...really bad'. This is intelligent debate in the 21st century?

Everyone has the right to express their opinion but if you have nothing intelligent whatsoever to add to a worldwide public forum, please do yourself and all of us a favor and just keep away from your keyboard. (Oh, and at least try to correctly spell the name of the actress - MILLA - you're so eager to denigrate).


There are times when IMDB really needs a like button.


And many more times, a dislike button.


The Facebook mentality needs to die a horrible death.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


I couldn't have said it better...


I didn't think this was an especially good acting performance on her part either, but I thought the issue was with the director and possibly the writing.
Particularly in the beginning of the movie it seemed that the movie tries to ruch and establish the plot and most of the acting performances suffered.

But, I watched the film because of Milla, and overall she was OK.
(But why wouldn't her character carry around a photo of people that she needed to recognize?)


It's not like she forgot what they looked like, the part of her brain that recognizes faces stopped working. What good would a photo do? They even showed her two photos of the same person pretty early in the movie, and she couldn't recognize that they were the same.


I thought she did great. In factfor me she was the only good part of an otherwise crappy movie.

It's a hormone war zone - boys are out for a fight
