MovieChat Forums > Horns (2014) Discussion > So, was it God or the Devil who gave him...

So, was it God or the Devil who gave him the horns?

In a way, I actually like to think it was the Devil, giving him a chance to get vengeance and f--k with people by revealing their sins/secrets. I get a kick out of the Devil actually in his own messed up way taking pity on this guy, and then him laughing his ass off once Ig became this punishing figure. I mean, him walking out of the burning bar smoke all around him with Marilyn Manson image.



Fair enough, I just viewed it as when he basically desecrates the shrine and says how God should have helped her, this is a time when the Devil, even by causing chaos, takes a bit of mercy, as if telling God, "Fine, you didn't protect this girl who believed in you? I'll help the guy who loved her get revenge!" As evidenced by the snake, I figure.



Horns, fire, pitchfork, snakes, fallen angel. I guess its pretty obvious who gave iggy his powers

~Hasta la vista..Baby


Who gave the devil power?

I dreamt of a roaring river and a woman that was a fish. Dead she drifted, with red tears...


First scene, Ig said he should call the Devil to punish the one who was truly responsible. not God.


That was a great image coming out of the bar.
