The dog

Did it bother anyone else that we hardly ever see the dog? We see the dog briefly in the beginning and then about 25 minutes into this film, which seemed like 3 hours, I thought where the hell is the poor dog and why does she never take it outside? If I did that much weeding and talking to the gardener dude, I would definitely have my dog with me. If anyone has ever had a dog, you know they follow you around constantly. In this flick, the dog is nowhere to be seen most of the time and yet is supposed to be a key element in their divorce. Anyway, just another detail handled sloppily in this mess of a film.



Me, too! I've just passed the part where the ex-husband is waiting for her in her apartment and I thought, "Oh no, he's killed the dog" because no sign of the pooch, either happy to see daddy or happy to see mom or concerned about a strange man entering the apartment. Oh well, as long as the dog isn't hanging from the phone cord in the ghost pantry, I'm okay with it. : )


Oh well, as long as the dog isn't hanging from the phone cord in the ghost pantry, I'm okay with it. : )

lol that was pretty much why I was fine with it being mostly absent. The moment I see they have a dog in these types of movies I expect it to wind up dead at some point.


The Ghostdog is the most annoying character in the movie. A dog celebrates you when you come home. A dog demands a walk a couple of times a day.
By introducing the dog and quickly ignoring the relevance of it, the director shows ignorance towards the audience. Dogs are OK and deserves to be portraied in their full potential. Even the potential of a Golden Retrveiver.


I was expecting the dog to attack her but he never showed up/ nor barked. It's like the Brady's Dog only shows up when needed on camera


You're absolutely right, I forgot all about the damn thing. When old Rose came busting through with her machette that dog would have attacked. We at least should have seen it run and hide.


Rose killed the dog as a puppy. Deal with it.


I thought it was a little strange that the dog only showed up sometimes. Other times, it seemed to be completely absent which is odd.
No way Rose killed the dog as a puppy...pretty sure you're kidding though. Dogs, especially larger dogs like Golden Retrievers, only have had a life expectancy of 10-12 years, not 30.


The dog was at her Mother's at this point - she mentions it on the phone before Rose comes to attack her.


I didn't understand where her mother lived. Was she also in Puerto Rico? Or in the US?


How about when she was feeding him and the door slammed. She jumped, but the dog never even flinched. He was eating but still, hearing a door slam the dog would've looked up and threw out a bark at least.


The sounds are added later. In this case they should have included the sound in the scene or used a dog whistle or something.


yeah, the dog should have been butchered by the old woman in the end.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


I was worried I somehow missed something. I wondered what happened to the dog
