MovieChat Forums > The Bunny Game (2012) Discussion > Has anyone seen this film yet?

Has anyone seen this film yet?

Has anyone seen this film yet? The trailer looks *beep* up and I have heard rumors that everything in the film is real? WTF?


I saw it. Taken simply as a movie it is weak. Nothing I would overly call acting. Budget was probably 2 boxes of pop-tarts and a 12 pack of old milwaukee. So purely as a movie it is junk. That said when I saw it my first thought was how real it was. I don't mean in regards to weather any scene was "real" or not but how this is nearly perfect for what a victim of a freak like this go's through. I should clarify that by saying I knew a freak like this .. before he was caught. And no he seemed fully normal to everyone. But the things that came out during the trial and what he said about it in the letters he wrote me after his conviction....well frankly this is as true to life a depiction of what this event would be like , with the exception of one will know it when you see it , in the real world. No Hannibal Lecter , no super sleuth detective no lucky rookie beat cop , yadda , yadda , yadda but a ton of honesty. So from the perspective of accuracy , mood and overall reality to it then it becomes a 9 to 10. It's a hard watch though , for various reasons.
