MovieChat Forums > Hoarders (2009) Discussion > Sorry but Doris is a jerk and I feel bad...

Sorry but Doris is a jerk and I feel bad for her daughters

I'm sorry that Doris had to endure being raped (or molested? they weren't really clear) and I would never wish that on any woman. But what does it have to do with the fact that she is a hoarder, downright mean, and refuses to take any responsibility for her living situation? In fact she constantly blamed anyone near by saying that it was their fault. Like the gentleman who was trying to calm her down (missed his name): she blamed him for her broken toilet. Then she even admitted he gave her money to fix it but still said that it was his fault. Because he didn't come by enough or some such nonsense.

I felt for the daughters and I know they were trying to make a connection with their mother and understand her; however the "happy ending" hugs don't change the fact that Doris has severe personality and hoarding issues. I'd be shocked if Doris changes her behavior at all.

I really wish that, instead of ending the show at the end of clean up, the show kept track of the hoarders for at least another month or two, to show how/if they're able to change.


Doris seemed like a completely toxic person to me, just nasty. I felt bad for her daughters, too. Some people are just a waste of time, no matter how much help they get.


As a woman it's probably awful for me to say this, but I felt like she was lying about the rape. Maybe it's because EVERYTHING out of her mouth was lies so when it came to that scene it was hardly believable.

She never seemed to grow up. Her mom took care of her until she died and now her daughters have to take care of her.


Believe all wahmen!!11
