The Casting

The casting in this show is magnificent. Armand is ridiculously beautiful in a book way that I never thought Antonio Banderas and his Hot Topic wig captured in the slightest. Sam Reid’s Lestat is fire. Louis’s reimagining has pretty much supplanted my book memories of the character. Bailey Bass is amazing and I’m seriously worried that her replacement won’t have the lightning charisma and energy that she does.

I could have watched an entire season, or possibly an entire show, about the years that Louis, Lestat and Claudia functioned as a quasi family. We only get about ten minutes of that, though, starting with Claudia smashing that green macaron into the wall and giggling her way up the stairs, and Lestat grumbling about her “talking to the book”. God, I could have watched so much more of that. Jeez Louise, mercy please.
