MovieChat Forums > The Change-Up (2011) Discussion > I am exactly 1 minute in and I already w...

I am exactly 1 minute in and I already want to turn it off.

A baby projectile sh*tting in a guy's mouth? After (via horrible CGI) violently slamming his own head into the bars of a crib repeatedly at the speed of something one would see in a cartoon? Am I the only person who finds this totally unfunny?

"Rock 'n roll martian!"


This movie was such a waste of a perfectly good premise.

I hate the writers and the director is a one-hit wonder.

Imagine if the Farrelly Brothers had done this movie. It would have actually been witty, intelligent, heartfelt and, most of all, hilarious.

Jai Guru De Va Om

Nothing’s gonna change my world...


I'm with the OP- the whole scene was made worse by the cutesy music. If they wanted to do gross they didn't even go full way, cutesy gross is incredibly lame.


Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


I agree the beginning was really bad. All I could keep thinking during the beginning was, ok here the writer wants us to know Dave has a tough job being a dad. Then ok, Dave has a tough job with an uptight partner. The partner thinks the double windsor knot is too casual, hey didn't make me laugh but yeah I can see that it is unusual for him to say that. Now the writer is showing us that Mitch is the really irresponsible and immature type. The writer just forgot one thing, where's the part that's supposed to be funny?

I was thinking of turning it off but I stuck around, just wanted something on while I ate dinner and looked at my phone. I did think it got better as the movie got along...not much better though.


Yes sadly that putridly disgusting opening involving babies projectile sh*ting into Batemans mouth etc was so appalling, the movie never fully recovered from it. Further more the revelations of fake CGI nudity used in this movie ensure that it gets a 3/10 from me.


I find it amazing that there are some that post here that actually DEFEND this ugly and disgusting movie. (as does the baby underneath this post!) They seem to think that it's some kind of work of art when it's nothing more that an puerile and adolescent movie that might appeal to 12 to 16 year old little boys, and I would hazard to guess some of them would find the movie horrid.
Where has good taste gone? I know films like this get made, but what is so amazing is that some well known names made this POS! (pun intended!)
At least there are some of us here that know when to call a spade a spade.
This is NOT art. It is NOT funny. It is a horrible movie and no number of times that someone calls you a "baby" (see idiot below) will make it anything but a horrible movie.





that scene was *beep* disgusting but the movie got better after that.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


I liked it. I thought it was a solid 7.

Sometimes humor just doesn't resonate with everyone. Sometimes something really isn't aimed at you or me, etc.

I'd like to think my taste is selective. My favorite film is City Lights. But I get it, some people just didn't like it.

"Can you hear them singing?"



babies often launch shit in projectile. you have to make sure they are fully done before wiping.
