MovieChat Forums > F (2013) Discussion > Are British Kids really this violent?

Are British Kids really this violent?

I mean there's so many british movies that portray them as hoodlums and evil ..are they really this violent?


I think the events in the United Kingdom this month should answer your question.


No English youth are not that bad. As said before we aren't all ninjas like the 'hoodies' in this film. Yes some kids in school are disrespectful to teacher and the police and there are gangs but again I dont think British youth are as bad as youth in other countries.

Oh and speaking of the police. Usually the only weapons the police have are batons and pepper spray stuff. Last time I checked they were debating whether to use tazers. Only specialist units like Armed Police Unit use guns. They are not universally used throughout the service. Hench whey the police woman didnt just shoot the 'hoodie' in the film when he went to attack her.


Yes all kids in Britain kill people and smash there faces in with fire extinguisers etc.


Yeah, this film was, like, a documentary?

Get a clue.


Well, not as violent as say Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold or these guys:



"I mean there's so many british movies that portray them as hoodlums and evil "

Not nearly as many as movies that portray Americans as werewolves and vampires.
So by your reasoning do you also wonder if Americans are all werewolves and vampires?
There is such a word as fiction you know!

Just because you're
paranoid it doesn't
mean that they're
not watching.


There's an element of tabloid media sensationalism about it, which is noted in this film (Anderson's paranoia about attacks), but there have been instances of horrific violence being committed by British teenagers. Even where I live, right out in the sticks, there have been occurrences where shopkeepers have been burned alive and children tortured by under-20 year olds.
Thankfully, these are still quite rare.

Also, its worth remembering that F is only a movie, a horror movie, and not a documentary. If visiting the UK please don't expect to be hideously murdered any more than I would expect to be attacked by inbred hillbillies if I was to visit the rural areas of the southern United States just because I saw it happen in Deliverance, Southern Comfort and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


I've lived in London all my life and yea there are plenty of hoody chav scum bags about. The Croydon riots a few years back was mainly these scum bags but no one died.
It's usually a means to an end when they start trouble not murderous rampages like this movie portrays.
Most are heavily influenced by US gangsta rap stars and they all think they are gangstas.
They always attack in gangs never ever ever by themselves, way too cowardly for that and I means gangs of like 6 or more at least.
But they have their areas they hang about in, London's a big place and it's not hard to avoid the *beep* parts like every US city has it's bad parts.
