MovieChat Forums > F (2013) Discussion > Are British Kids really this violent?

Are British Kids really this violent?

I mean there's so many british movies that portray them as hoodlums and evil ..are they really this violent?


They're really as violent as Americans are stupid.


Stupidity isn't sectioned off to one area, I've met many Limeys that are simplistic...act like peasants, if you will. But what more could I expect from people that sound and act like the stereotypical peasant.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


Nah, they just pretend to be, they'z well 'ard

Who lives in the east 'neath the willow tree?


I believe it's more the result of media sensationalism than anything else. When incidents involving violent kids happen, it gets a lot of coverage. And the British film industry is always feeding off that. Really, how many more Jane Austen or Tudor adaptions can they make? Oh, I shouldn't have asked that.

You did just fine, Clarence. Now go git yo'self some hot cornbread!


Actually, they are more violent than this. They usually torture their victims before killing them and, most of the times, they eat them afterwards. Not all British kids do that, only 70%; the rest are good guys


Are british kids this violent, i wouldnt go as far to say this type of thing happens but there are a lot of gangs that hang about all over england that most of the time are not that bad unless you cross them.
I live in the north west of england and i grew up living in and around gangs, i know how they work and if you just leave them be the chance of being attacked is slim, im now 30 years old and i can handle my self but when i walk past a gang i am weary of them, my girlfriend works nights and she dosnt like walking to work on her own because of the people that hang around our area so i walk her when i can.
I myself have never been attacked but i have been shouted at and spat at while walking down the street by gangs of up to 20 teenagers, if i was to turn round and retaliate then i would prob be attacked and mabey even stabbed but if you keep on walking nothing happens.
From my personal experiance in life i would def say kids are not this violent but yes they are violent.


I'm from North West Uk too I got into quite a bit of trouble in my youth (well last year!) but I calmed down and left that life it isn't as bad as F though. Rarely there are worse cases but very rarely. If you don't annoy any gang members then you'll be fine. My "gang" was pretty chilled though, in places like Manchester you can get attacked for next to nothing

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I heard Glasgow Scotland is the worst.


Well I live in Glasgow and I would say that it's nowhere near as bad as, say, London in that, yes we have our gangs - made up mostly of teenage lads drunk on a tonic wine called Buckfast - but they mostly fight each other and unless you approach them will generally leave you alone. In London and other English cities like Manchester, Birmingham and Nottingham, however, you are far more likely to be mugged and violently attacked if you happen to venture into the wrong part of town - much like the US in other words.


Not really when compared to American students who carry weapons.


At least Americans know how to use weapons... unlike those stupid police in this movie.

Everyone has a hidden agenda. Except me!


The fact we police without weapons is a point of pride. We don't need guns to do our jobs. The fact the police in most countries feel they do and still mostly have higher crime rates than the UK shows just how poor they are at it. Police routinely carrying guns = failed policing.


No, they are not. But middle-aged men need to take out their frustrations created by media sensationalism on something and it might as well could be making *beep* films that further demonize teenagers!


NO, its fiction, and lazy fiction at that. If you watch movies like Harry Brown and Eden Lake please people take into consideration they are films, over sensationalized and created for our entertainment.

British society has its violent elements but its not as rife as The Daily Mail would like you to believe.

"Its just a ride"



This, and other, films centred around these hoodies aren't meant to portray the normal everyday youth you might encounter wandering through any part of Britain. They take the handful that represent the peak of these violent anti-authoritarian wannabe revolutionaries and extrapolate what would happen if they made the move from loitering and occasional murder to organised terror. There are some horribly violent hoodies out there (and they all exhibit the same fervour for up close physical violence) and, for them, this move isn't an enormous leap. That's not to say the majority are even close to that point though, and the films never claim that they are. What makes it interesting is that these few could be, given more time or a particular series of events in their childhood.

I find it strange that so many foreigners, particularly Americans it seems, assume that these films represent the majority when it comes to British youth. There are an immense number of slasher films put out by Hollywood, but for some reason these same people don't assume that the majority of Americans are serial killers. It's a very odd extrapolation to make.
