MovieChat Forums > Archer (2009) Discussion > Archer vs. Bob's Burgers vs. Rick And Mo...

Archer vs. Bob's Burgers vs. Rick And Morty vs. BoJack Horseman

All four of these shows have been making big rounds in the animation circuit, garnering massive critical acclaim and cult followings. So, which of these shows would you consider the best and how would you rank them? Although I love them all, here is my personal ranking:

1. BoJack Horseman
2. Archer
3. Rick And Morty
4. Bob's Burgers

RIP Roger Ebert


Archer and Bob's burgers....the other two aren't even on the list.


Rick and Morty
Bob's Burgers

I mean there is no other way to order these four.


1. Archer
2. Rick and Morty
3. BoJack Horseman

Haven't checked Bob's Burger yet.

This dream is short, but this dream is happy.


1. Archer and the rest is a crap shoot


1. Archer- I have consistently loved this show through 7 seasons. Only South Park is ranked above it for me in all time cartoons.

2. BoJack- Hilarious and makes you forget the main character is a talking horse. Mr. Peanut Butter is the man.

3. Rick and Morty- Another very funny show with emotional elements. It is not far behind BoJack at all on my list.

4. Bob's Burgers- I never really got into this show. What I have watched was okay but I doubt I will end up watching much of it.


The only thing I can tell you, is that I just finished watching Archer Season 7, an I want to rewatch it again.
Two weeks ago I finished watching Bob Burguers, all seasons, I do not feel like watching a single episode again. I mean, its funny, but the show is just meh.
I watched both season of Rick and Morty, and the only episode I remember is the one with the dogs. The show is good, but I do not feel like rewatching it.
Never watched Bo Jack.

1) Archer


1. Rick and Morty
2. BoJack Horseman
3. Archer
4. Bob's Burgers

All dinosaurs fear the T-Rex


I havent watched Bob Burgers or Rick and Morty, but I did watch 2 seasons of Bojack and that show plain sucks. The jokes arent funny and theyre trying to be angsty.

Archer beats Bojack by a mile.


