MovieChat Forums > The League (2009) Discussion > Does this show eventually get better?

Does this show eventually get better?

Edit: Thanks to everyone who replied :) Gonna give another show a try, but thanks for your feedback!

I am the first person to say I'm a cheap date when it comes to movies and tv. I can usually find a reason to like anything. But this show... I'm up to season 2 episode 5 and the only characters I don't find completely awful are the children.

Trying to give it a chance but... people using make a wish kids for their own gain ... a guy tying his wife up for sex but using her being restrained to sneak to his laptop to make a trade...

It's all just kinda... crappy. there is no one to identify with or cheer for.

I really hope it gets better. I can't watch 7 seasons of this.


Lol I love how everyone is just biting your head off for attempting to give it a chance. Besides, some shows get better as time goes on, like Parks And Recreation doesn't get truly memorable until Season 03, before that is a dull-droll I can only vaguely recall.

Besides, to address the heart of your point, The League doesn't sound like one of those comedies with that many likeable characters, where mainly the comedy comes from the cynicism and the mania of having all these emotionally/mentally ruined and pathological. I'd probably watch It's Always Sunny instead, even though those characters are worse and more corrupted than the one's in The League, it's atleast extremely well-thought out, well executed, and lots of good comedy. Also to be honest, I find The League to be a little cheesy and boring.


You're a sweetheart! Thank you for the suggestion! I've given AWIP a glance here and there but was concerned about it for the same reason. I don't mind mentally ruined characters so long as they have some nuance. I don't think anyone is all bad :)

I gave up on the League after making this post and found some other lovely shows to watch. I's definitely been an experience sharing my thoughts on this forum lol

Thank you for yours <3


Even the worst episode of The League is better than the best episode ofParks & Rec :)
