Man, this was awful.

I'm actually a huge fan of Michael's, so when I picked this up at the store I was very excited to watch it - but I was really bummed when it was so repetitive! I found it very boring. I gave it 2/10.

He won. Get over it.


It was great!


Couldn't of been that big of a fan if it took you 7 years to watch it lol


I only just caught this movie, and I really enjoyed the heck out of it! I thought it was great. It's a nice insight into the creative process of putting together such a high caliber show. Didn't you, as a fan, find it fascinating to see "behind the scenes"?

I'm only a very casual fan but I found that fascinating, to watch the work of it all coming together.


It was a movie for super fans. Other than it's pretty boring. I was expecting more detail in the stage setup or backstage interviews but no.
