MovieChat Forums > L'arnacoeur (2010) Discussion > Anyone else disatisfied with the ending?...

Anyone else disatisfied with the ending? (Spoilers!)

Of course we all like it when the hero ends up with the heroine, but am I the only one who felt really sorry for Andrew Lincoln's character? Poor sod - he'd done nothing wrong, it wasn't as if he was nasty to Juliette or anything. I really hoped that Alex would run back to the wedding, see how happy Juliette was with Jonathan and leave it at that - would have made it more profround in my opinion.

What do you all think?

"I love my babies, why would I want to push them away from me?" - Maggie Gyllenhaal.


The ending is crap, but it's extremely typical crap. Love in movie is usually portrayed stupidly. What these two are experiencing is lust not love, they don't know each other. But it's a common mistake not only in films but even in real life, I can't tell you the number of my girlfriends who've made commitments to men who they were only in lust with. It's a sad state of humanity, not just this film.

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**

