
For the simple fact that, I'm sure everyone thought once or twice, there was never mention of the U.S. rolling in and kicking ass. Did this take place in some alternate universe where no America existed? No. Of course not.

Imagine a movie where North Korea was invaded by Country XYZ, and no mention of China anywhere in the movie. Gimme a break!


Oh no, a film where America doesn't come rolling in to save the day, what a tragedy! This cannot be happening, everybody quick hug an American the film makers have hurt their feelings.
I forgot, America is the only country on the planet that really matters.
No wonder most of the planet's population thinks crap about you with comments like yours.


Haha, you think we care about what other countries think?



Well, clearly you do, or you wouldn't have posted the original post in the first place!



you think Americans give a crap about what the world thinks? NOPE! we could give a rat's a**

Most of the world owes America thanks for saving them at one point or another.

By the way, you're welcome for saving Australia from the Japanese during WWII.


"NOPE! we could give a rat's a**"

you could? oh so you do care , lovely , how much rats ass could you give?


Hug an American. Ha! Brilliant.


In real life it's not just America but the UK as well - they all have a defence pact togther. Even if they didn't the UK would never stand by and let the Aussies get invaded without helping but this is a story where the political/financial lanscape had changed.


Does UK even have an army? I don't think any country on the planet would lose sleep over the UK coming to get them. Well, except for the fact that America would back them up that is.


Yes, the U.K. does have an army and both work very well together. Stop being so stereotypical. You are just re-enforcing the view that all Americans are all over bloated Southern good old boys who *beep* their own family's.
Unless you are of course, no skin off my nose.




Yes I do realise that. But for the purpose of this film, and might I add a primary plot point which if left out would negate the purpose of the film, they don't come rushing to help. No reason is given, it's not relevant.
Could be an A.U. The enemy's nationality isn't mentioned either because:
However unbelievable that is, if you just accept it you can go on an enjoy the film. Remember this is a story about this group, not international relations in the past, present, future or alternate universes.


For the simple fact that, I'm sure everyone thought once or twice, there was never mention of the U.S. rolling in and kicking ass. Did this take place in some alternate universe where no America existed? No. Of course not.

Were you all on holiday in 1982 then? cos I don't remember a phone call between Reagan and Thatcher where he said "Don't worry, Maggie, we've got this covered." Lol, ballbag.

Or defending Afghanistan from the Russians, weren't the Russians your big bad enemy?

Then again Argentina and Russia can both pack a punch.

I suppose it's easier to fight little bad guys, little people with little guns, maybe some 1960's tanks, second hand airplanes. If you have the most advanced technology on earth you'd be stupid to use it against someone who can scratch it, am I right? I'm sure that's the reason Americans are universally seen as bullys, or cowards, or arrogant, or bigmouths.

The longer Americans yap yap yap, the more we non-americans (thank Christ)realise that you don't really care what the rest of us think about you. That's good self esteem.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.


Yep - and every mediocre, poor, ugly kid in school hates all the rich, beautiful, strong kids. I feel sorry for you. Maybe I'll send some rice your way or something.


You're right in one thing: every mediocre, poor, ugly AND NORMAL kid in school hates all the BOASTING, BULLYING rich, beautiful, strong kids, do you feel the difference? :)
following both American and Russian news\cultures, I feel pity for both our nations, because these people are brainwashed every day with hurrah-patriotism, egocentrism and blinding media. oh boy, don't even want to think about China :)

btw, travelling Russian and American non-liner tourists make huge exceptions - they aren't that narrow-minded. geesh, I wonder why :)


I can barely understand what you said. Try spell check next time bucko.

As for China, they can't sustain an army anywhere other than on their own soil. Barely there even. They also have a terrible track record. America on the other hand, can send a fully equipped, highly trained, high tech military force anywhere on the planet (and probably any planet) and sustain them indefinitely until the job is done.

China? Hahahahahahahahahaaaaa.


Pardon your humble bucko for his poor language, it's not his native one - neither are the other two he speaks and understands. I'm quite sure you are much skilled in this area, thus I take off my hat to you, Almighty American! :)

hm... I'm not sure you quite understand how the military power really works: you don't have to be a world policeman to have the best army. There's an analogy for you: a heavyweight champion will lift more, but will always be beaten by a much smaller boxer or a taekwondo fighter. Besides, the US cannot afford its army anymore, because your % of GDP spent on war is stupid high:
that's why your national debt has sky-rocketed and you should expect default any time soon. and AFTER that thousands of angry soldiers will be laid off...

oh, and guess who owns the most of your IOUs? yep, China :)
while Russia and the US flexed their biceps, China already conquered the world economically. does it need more? (your IPhone and Mac is already made by those pesky Commies).

so, in case you are not trolling or under the legal age of drinking, I believe you should expand your knowledge on some issues. well, in those cases also.

read more, watch less :)


Sigh. Another case of jealousy from a non-American. It's sad.


Now, if one doesn't know a person's background, income, country of living - but still assumes something about this person, would that qualify for a description of "ignorant"? I'm not fluent with English as you are, so I kindly ask you to help me out here.
As for your arguments for your point of view ("Sigh", was it not?), I see your higher ground in this matter and rest my case :)
have a good life!


The stupidity in this thread is mind-blowing.

I'm ashamed to call some people fellow Americans.


It wasn't your post that was unreadable - I read it and understood what you meant.

Maybe he should stop being an ostrich and pull his head out of the sand.


To the OP: how many disaster movies do we see set in the US, where there is never any mention of other countries and the impact on them?? It's all about the citizens of the US and to hell with everyone else. Believe it or not, the US is NOT the centre of the universe.

Stop being a troll, you're irritating.

And who says "bucko" apart from Richie Cunningham in Happy Days??

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


"I can barely understand what you said. Try spell check next time bucko."

BAHAHAHAHA! Americans. Just because you can't read doesn't mean HE needs spellcheck. Wood yoo prefer it if we spell funetikly fuh yoo deer? Is this eesyer fuh yoo too undastand?

You are the epitome of the stereotypical Yank that everyone (including half of your own country) hates more than Hitler.

And there are 2 reasons America doesn't come blazing in to save the day. If you read the book and recognise it was written in 1993 with a starkly different political stage, the author explains that the US is warned to stay out of it unless they want the longest bloodiest costliest war in their history that will make Vietnam look like a success story. The second reason is if this were to happen in real life and the US came in to "save the day" you'd probably just kill everyone indiscriminately like you do everywhere else and then take over Australia yourselves, which wasn't the point of the story because not everyone thinks you guys are King *beep* and we want to watch something else.


Yawn. Doesn't matter if you like us or if you think we are king, or if you think water is dry. Fact remains we are king and water is wet. Your insane opinion changes nothing. The mystery country you're from had its chance, and failed. Move out of the way before we put a Walmart in your front yard.


The Chinese have enough anti-surface cruise and ballistic missile weaponry to knock out all of the United States carrier fleets fifty times over. Their current anti-air capability is pretty tough and in depth. The Chinese know that they do not have to have major assets to kill major assets. The do have a much greater manufacturing capability.

As for their track record, they fought the United States and its U.N. allies to a stalemate in Korea. That was when their military was in the relative bronze age compared to the allies. In some ways, it still is, but not in the important ways.

The question is, would the United States go to war against a known nuclear power, with the capability of wiping out U.S. assets, over Australia? We don't even know if the United States is not in its own conflict or civil war at the time of the invasion of Australia.


How about you stop feeding the obvious troll and quit spouting your America hatred as well? You sound just as bad as Joe there.

You know damn good and well most Americans don't think or act like that so stop forwarding the stereotype by reacting negatively to it.

Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.


I can smell the troll from here! Crawl back under your bridge troll.


It makes perfect sense why the USA didn’t enter the picture yet. This was a surprise attack and quite possible more than one place was hit. Australia is a big place. It is not likely that the USA or the UK could respond when so many other places have been hit as well. It is possible even their homelands have fallen under enemy fire. Besides the higher the buildup of military power the more focus is placed on massive land, sea and air battles and less time that is spent on the main characters of movie.


Why conclude that the omission of the US is anti American, there was very little mention of the outside world. Does America get involved everywhere? Did they kick butt in Rwanda, Dharfur, Sri Lanka, no because they weren't even there.


or the simple fact that, I'm sure everyone thought once or twice, there was never mention of the U.S. rolling in and kicking ass. Did this take place in some alternate universe where no America existed? No. Of course not.

So? There was no mention of U.S. Allies coming to assist in either the original Red Dawn or its remake... What's your point?


There were 600,000 screaming Chinamen.


Maybe U.S got nuked by China + Russia.


Uh "first off" (like teenage girl), why would they mention any other country? Absolutely none others matter when it comes to fighting.

And second off, America IS center of planet, are you crazy? Movies, music, space travel, technology, all relevant and modern inventions, etc. Hell, once people from other countries "make it" they come here to buy a home and live. No one leaves without coming right back. If America should fail, the world will fail. I'd invite you on my horse but you're too little.


Oh, please.
Who gives a crap if the 'U.S. don't kick ass'? Do you see anything about Australians helping in your disaster movies? Maybe I should scream out Anti-Australian?
It's a simple's an Australian movie. Not a movie about bloody America. Watch American movies if you feel so patriotic.

“You stand here sucker. You made me do this” - Jeremy Renner


Why would anyone expect to hear about Australia in a disaster movie? Australia is totally insignificant. In all regards. No one would wonder why Australia wasn't mentioned in any movie unless it was specifically about crocodiles and kangaroos. Hahaha

