Prettiest girl in movie?

I say Fiona! Hands down


Phoebe Tonkin


Ellie.Brunettes are so hot and she has great cleavage.


Corrie (Rachel Hurd-Wood), hands down, is the most stunningly beautiful girl in this movie. No need for any more discussion.


Caitlin Stasey all the way!


I have to agree with you.


Caitlin Stasey is #1. I will watch everything she is in. Just watched her in All Cheerleaders Die. She is just smoken hot.

#2 is Phoebe Tonkin also very hot blond or brunet

#3 would be Rachel Hurd-Wood

#4 Olivia Pigeot (Ellie's mom)

#5 Ashleigh Cumming (Average)


In context of the movie, their age at the time, not the actresses themselves:

Fifi. Dated a black girl who has almost the same facial structure, smile, eyes, everything.

Ellie. I would be most likely to stay attracted to her because she has the most adorable goofy facial expressions.

Corrie looks good in SOME scenes.

Robyn. Too young looking in the movie.


Fiona no question about it.

Ellie a distant second.

Corrie is a cow. At least she looked fat in some scenes.


Well, if I have to choose:
1. Fiona - Phoebe Tonkin is stunning whether blonde or brunette
2. Corrie - Rachel Hurd-Wood is also gorgeous
big gap to
3. Ellie - Caitlyn Stasey does nothing for me but she is clearly a pretty girl

no point listing any others


For me the only one who caught my attention was Rachel Hurd Wood, see is exactly what I look for in a girl, dark hair, light eyes, pale skin.
