MovieChat Forums > Jing wu feng yun: Chen Zhen (2010) Discussion > Wow, China is really milking it...

Wow, China is really milking it...

Most of the movies that have been coming out have been of the same theme. China is just, china is great, for the glory of china. Everyone else is a jerk, everyone else is out to get us, we must overcome adversity. Like, come on, we get it. Love watching the movies for action and visuals, but man, it feels like the message is always the same "We are the most awesome, we've never *beep* anyone over but we will always overcome adversity". Just feels like commie propaganda most of the time.


Some people mentioned Transformers 3, Battle LA, and Captain America as examples of America's nationalism. What kind of sh** are you getting from these films?! Really? Really? For one thing, those movies are in NO WAY supposed to be reflections or variations of history! They are simply--SIMPLY--movies with settings primarily in America, like anime of humans of multi-colored and multi-sized features in *beep* JAPAN. Where in Transformers did you hear an "America is great!" Where did you hear that in Battle LA? Ok, there's validity in Captain AMERICA. Yup--no one expected an argument there, a comic made movie. But what exactly Is Your Argument? "Pride of one's nation in film is justified?" Sure--of course--I agree with you; however, at what extent do you define pride? Pride at the cost of belittling another by a generalization of a whole people? There's an understanding when belittling considers a specific group of people: racists, terrorists, etc. Negative generalizations of whole nations, on the other hand, is Ridiculous.

I don't recall an American film seriously creating hate for a specific nation For an implied nationalistic theme. Don't even mention Team America. But the cop in this movie surly did so as he Realistically talked down that white guy who was 3 times his size, specifying his nation directly as a whole; furthermore, making his point in a movie taking place then, with arguments for today. In their Need to hate on America in a movie with a broader issue, I can only imagine the movie had a deeper target than just the Japanese soldiers--they meant Japan as a whole. They meant to heighten their nation above all the others by kicking these others down to the ground. Is the purpose to unite their nation who may be apart? Is it a reaction to the history of World War II--this absent apology from Japan? Something in WWII, although there is a HUGE impact on all countries, should not deserve an apology from one country to another Now. It is a time lost. Those in power then are not in power now to make an apology; plus, those in power now have no direct connection to those hurt then. It would be like apologizing for something you did not do to someone who had nothing happen to them... ...what? Yeah, a related matter would be people thinking whites currently needing to apologize to the enslaved blacks. Who is to directly apologize? Who is to directly receive?

Also, someone mentioned Saving Private Ryan as a film for America's nationalism, yet had no support for a defense of it being an equivalent to this movie's nationalistic theme. Back your sh** up. They specifically showed the abuse of Americans on their enemy. They did not show a nation doing everything innocently and completely justified as did this movie. Saving Private Ryan's primary source of nationalism came from the showing of the death's of Americans for how they live today. Besides, today when trying to insult America, it is a nation of mixed races; anymore implying something to America does not go without speaking to a mirror. And no other nation deserves the same kind of treatment.


Wow you make so much sense...were you like...a debate champion? Nicely done


The fact is its also true. In the long history of China, at the heights of its power and the lows, it was never the aggressor, mostly due to the teachings of the ancient philosophers. Internal strife yes, many times, but they never wanted foreign lands or assets, and they still don't today, and any land that they are on that the wast calls occupied is really China anyway, and always has been. I mean even now they don't go after Taiwan which is and always was China, and that would be something that a western power would have done right away years and years ago (just look at Falkland Islands, and that is half a world away from the British Isles)

How many military bases does just one western country (USA, or Britain, or Germany, or ...) have in foreign countries, and how many governments do they control or enslave? And China? No wonder they are growing more and more proud of their past and their present, the more they learn about the rest of the world and the past of the west, the more proud they get, and even though their ego gets bigger, they STILL do not threaten anyone or put bases and weapons on foreign soil and surround countries.

Amazingly, the few times China did venture out of its borders, it was to give away its treasures and bring back junk, almost bankrupting it, they are isolationists almost to a fault, just like USA was for the first 100 years, when it was a beacon of liberty and beauty of the world, something every other country wanted (no longer since it has been completely taken over by international bankers, 100 years ago, with the beginning of the fall of the republic about 150 years ago, only 100 short years after the revolution). I hope the USA finds its way again, it can restore true peace and prosperity to the world, but only by going back to the constitution and its libertarian roots and destroying all fascist elements that control it today, foreign and domestic.

China has the same problem, but on a much smaller scale as the government still has much power and is not in the hands of private families, the people still have power. The people have power everywhere, the problem is they don't understand politics and economics and most of the time what emerges from the ashes of a revolution is far worse then what was before, and that is how the world has been progressing. The more we advance scientifically and technologically, the more we're enslaved and dumbed down, when it should be the exact opposite, science and tech should give us liberty and peace.

"You were assimilated, resistance was futile!"


In American movies set against historical backdrops, they always depict Americans as the victors, the heroes, and the only decent people around. Hardly surprising when other countries' movies do the same.


A. how is that weird? a country makes a film that is pro-that country. why wouldn't they..? why wouldn't they make that film.. and why wouldn't they genuinely feel that way? you must live on another planet. or just be retarded.

B. japan is *beep* cruel. they have always been cruel. they are still cruel. they're the most heartless bastards to ever grace the globe. so this movie isn't just chinese propaganda but basically truth.

Japan is proud of being evil.
