MovieChat Forums > The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (2010) Discussion > A harmless children's horror-comedy. . ....

A harmless children's horror-comedy. . . . .

Say what you will, The Boy Who Cried Werewolf, a Nick Original Movie, was a virtually harmless TV movie for children, a step up from most Disney Original Movies in comparison. The effects by KNB Effects Group were decent for a TV movie, or as much as the effects budget could allow.

Will a lot of people like this. For the older teens and adults out there that have grown cynical about Nick and Disney, probably not. They'll probably hate it. However, this movie wasn't made for them, it was made for young viewers. Sure, one could argue that someone should make a quality movie or none at all, but in this day and age, a quality kid's film only comes once in a blue moon if at all. People need to get used that they won't make movies like they used to. However, the vampires didn't sparkle in the film and the werewolves weren't shirtless for half the movie. And for the most part, the werewolf and vampire effects were practical.

Overall, the movie was quite cheesy. Some of the lines were laughable. The Romanian accents were Bella Lugosi-like, sorta corny and campy. But the campiness of this movie made it enjoyable. It also had set-up for a potential sequel.

On a scale of 1-10, it averages between a 5 and a 6 out of 10.

Sure they could have done better, but it could have been a whole lot worse *coughs* Fred the Movie *coughs*

"Chew on this, motherfrakkers!"


Bela Lugosi's accent was corny and campy!?!?! LMAO are you f'n joking? Bela Lugosi was Hungrian/Romanian and his accent was 100% real and authentic, nothing corny about it. He spoke that same way in every single movie he ever made.

Anyway I thought this movie was extremely fun!


No, I meant how the characters in the film used the similar accent.

"Chew on this, motherfrakkers!"


Pretty darn enjoyable. I started watching just cause of the goofy title and ended up sitting through the whole thing. I've been watching horror movies all month and this was by far the most enjoyable so far.
