MovieChat Forums > The Middle (2009) Discussion > Patrica Heaton ruins The Middle

Patrica Heaton ruins The Middle

Patricia Heaton.

Oh how she annoys me. I don't think there is a coincidence that the characters she plays are:

Over sensitive

Everything I've read and seen of her actual personality is the same as her characters.

Debra Barone-Heaton
Frankie Heck/Heaton

While people say Sue is annoying yes probrobly, but if you rewatch the show which I recommend as the moments without Heaton are for the most part good/refreshing. Pay attention to my listed characteristics "if you've not already noticed" you'll see my point.

P.S April is adorable, slightly slow but so lovable, Cindy is also a perfect match for brick


I think that the difference is that Patricia Heaton is playing the ROLE of Frankie Heck -- and that role of Frankie Heck is what you find annoying (and all of the other descriptions that you provided).

If you watch Heaton in interviews or on her cooking show, she is actually a very warm, optimistic and friendly person -- which is quite different from her portrayal of Mrs. Heck.

In fact, the cast was asked which actors were the most like and unlike the characters that they are portraying.

Nearly everyone agrees that Neil Flynn (the actor that plays Mike Heck) is the most like his character (in that he is a very blunt, reserved and private person).

Nearly everyone also agreed that Patricia Heaton (Frankie Heck) and Charlie McDermott are the least like the characters they play. In the real world, Patricia Heaton is prim, proper, warm/motherly and fun to be around. Eden Sher (Sue Heck) stated in an interview that Heaton even helped her pick out her dress for that series of interviews.

Apparently, Charlie McDermott is actually very quiet and shy in real life.

IF you go back and watch some of the characters that Heaton plays in other shows and movies, I think that you'll find her characters very different from the roles of Mrs. Heck or Deborah Barone. Ever watch Goodbye Girl (opposite Jeff Daniels) or Women of the House (opposite Delta Burke and Terri Garr)?




I've noticed that "tankitty" says "Sheesh" a lot.....

Just sayin'..... 


Mary has a point, the OP says he/she doesn't like Patricia Heaton, there's nothing anyone can say to turn that around,

I met her a few months back while on the set, she didn't know me, but stayed and spoke with me for a while, I found her to be a super nice person, and very warm, she's a good actor b/c she's nothing like Frankie she portrays,


Very cool! You explained it better than I could.

I was merely trying to differentiate Patricia Heaton from the characters and roles that she plays and point out that some of the roles aren't like the adjectives used by the original poster. I've never met her, but she seems like a nice woman in interviews and on her cooking show (the few times that I've watched it).

I guess that some people just rub us the wrong way and nothing can change our opinion of them.


I guess that some people just rub us the wrong way and nothing can change our opinion of them.

You got that right, honey.


I've noticed that "tankitty" says "Sheesh" a lot.....

Just sayin'.....

Does she? I haven't noticed.


Wow -- "cheerleader?" Really?!?

I don't think that you understood what I was saying.

Patricia Heaton is merely playing a CHARACTER. She doesn't write the story. She didn't create the character. She didn't create the character's personality. She doesn't write the character's lines.

She is playing the ROLE of Frankie Heck.

I went on to mention how different Heaton's characters have been in other roles INCLUDING her cooking show (where she is being herself). She is very unlike "Frankie Heck" or even "Debra Barone."

Sorry to burst your balloon, Chris, but your constantly trying to put a spin on what other people say is very tiring. The OP doesn't like Patricia Heaton, which is their right as a viewer. Why do you feel it necessary to "clarify" a comment that's already crystal clear?

What are you even talking about? You're going a little too far in claiming that I am "constantly trying to put a spin on what other people say." That is ridiculous. I am not clarifying anyone's comment. I am offering my opinion as a response to the one that they typed in a public forum (complete with a "reply" button).

Sheesh. I gotta wonder if you're not a PR person for The Middle. For someone who likes Frankie Heck, one of the most PESSIMISTIC characters on television, I'm surprised you're so cheery in real life. You really have more in common with Nancy Donahue.

I'm not in Hollywood and I have no relation to the show or anyone affiliated with the show. I am simply a FAN. I like the show. I didn't start watching it until it was already in syndication; but, now I am hooked.

You can call me a "Donahue" all you want, but that really is a petulant attitude. My opinions are my own...and I like the show. I also like a handful of other shows too.


Hello! What don't you understand about THIS, from the OP?

Patricia Heaton.

Oh how she annoys me. I don't think there is a coincidence that the characters she plays are:

Over sensitive

Everything I've read and seen of her actual personality is the same as her characters.

The OP isn't merely discussing the characters of Patricia Heaton, he/she is talking ABOUT Heaton, the actress and individual, and how her REAL LIFE personality spills over into her characters. Big difference from what you're saying.

But you, the endless cheerleader, this board's Nancy Donahue, decide to put your own spin on what the OP said and then had the audacity to try and school the OP on what she/he TRULY meant:

I don't think that you understood what I was saying.

Patricia Heaton is merely playing a CHARACTER. She doesn't write the story. She didn't create the character. She didn't create the character's personality. She doesn't write the character's lines.

She is playing the ROLE of Frankie Heck.

I went on to mention how different Heaton's characters have been in other roles INCLUDING her cooking show (where she is being herself). She is very unlike "Frankie Heck" or even "Debra Barone."

The OP doesn't care who writes the character or anything ABOUT the character. He/she doesn't like Patricia Heaton. Why is that so difficult for you to grasp?

You come in and say, "I think that the difference is that Patricia Heaton is playing the ROLE of Frankie Heck -- and that role of Frankie Heck is what you find annoying (and all of the other descriptions that you provided)."

Really? Hmm. Considering that you're always harping about this being a board where we can have differing opinions, I'm surprised you just won't accept the OP's OPINION about Heaton.

Instead, you "clarify" what the OP said and completely change his/her meaning. Sorry, but you've got some crust to say, "And that the role of Frankie heck is what you find annoying." No, the OP doesn't find the role of Frankie Heck "annoying." He/she doesn't like Patricia Heaton, PERIOD. SHE'S who the OP finds annoying, not her characters. Understand, now?

I'd think you'd champion the OP's right to an opinion, especially since you defend your views with "we're all entitled to our opinion." Apparently, we're all entitled to YOUR opinion. Isn't that really what you mean?


The OP doesn't care who writes the character or anything ABOUT the character.

you mean other than what he said about the characters being Bitchy
Lazy, Ungrateful, Abusive, Over sensitive, Inconsiderate, Manipulative ?? I'd say he cares a little bit.


you mean other than what he said about the characters being Bitchy
Lazy, Ungrateful, Abusive, Over sensitive, Inconsiderate, Manipulative ?? I'd say he cares a little bit.

The POINT of the original post had nothing to do with Heaton's characters. He was talking about the person herself.

Everything I've read and seen of her actual personality is the same as her characters.


Exactly. He/She cared enough to bring up the characters that Heaton plays.


Really, Mary? You're going to go there and actually complain about someone who posts on IMDB? The irony is that you're doing the very thing that you've accused me of doing in the content of your posts in this thread.

I understand what the OP posted. I'm a pretty good reader. I simply responded to that post with a comment to that poster (and NOT YOU).

To be clear: I never said that the OP doesn't have the right to his/her opinion. Rather, I simply disagreed with it. You know -- sort of how you flood IMDB with your opinions about The Middle ad naseum and often in disagreement with statements that others have made.

My point was that the OP stated that Patricia Heaton annoys him/her and, for anecdotal evidence, said that she plays characters who are (insert insults). He/She then stated that what he/she has read and seen indicates that those traits mentioned in the characters that Heaton plays are indicative of Heaton's own character.

I pointed out that Heaton has played characters that aren't (insert insults). Moreover, I pointed out examples of how people say that she is nothing like Frankie Heck in real life.

This is merely my two cents. You're welcome to disagree with me -- just like you seem to disagree with so many people in your many, many, many comments on IMDB. Personally, I don't care. You can try to call me a "Nancy Donahue" as if it were some sort of petulant insult, but I personally couldn't care less about what you think of me (or Patricia Heaton for that matter).

Disclaimer: I don't know Patricia Heaton. I don't know ANY of the cast or crew of The Middle. I'm just a fan of the show (most of the time). I really like the show and I hope that it continues to provide quality entertainment to those who like it.


You know -- sort of how you flood IMDB with your opinions about The Middle ad naseum and often in disagreement with statements that others have made.

Considering you've been on the IMDB all of TWO months, and the only page you've EVER commented on has been THIS one (The Middle), it's amazing that you'd criticize anyone else for "flooding" the very same message board you've been busily flooding yourself.

Ok, so you're a fan. I get it. Yet, you also claim not to be all that interested in The Middle. Then why are you here and not posting anywhere else? Seems like a monumental waste of time, to me.

But you, in your Nancy Donahue way, have made it your mission to spread sweetness and light, while slightly below the surface is something snarky and nasty (using a term like "turd" to describe someone you disagree with says more about you than anything else you've posted). You want The Middle to go on and on and on forever, because it gives so many good, clean laughs. You love Patricia Heaton and think she's a good role model for all harried housewives out there in middle America. I'm beginning to think you ARE Patricia Heaton.

And, most telling, you DON'T like it when people disagree with you. That's when the long, rambling diatribes come out, betraying your sweetness and light masquerade. Tsk, tsk, not even the real Nancy is that transparent. The OP says he doesn't like Patricia Heaton, and you immediately jump in to "clarify" what he meant. Only the OP can do that, hun.

Disclaimer: I don't know Patricia Heaton. I don't know ANY of the cast or crew of The Middle. I'm just a fan of the show (most of the time). I really like the show and I hope that it continues to provide quality entertainment to those who like it.

Huh? You're "just a fan of the show (most of the time)? Try ALL of the time. There's nothing wrong with that, but whenever someone posts something about the show you don't like, you're right there to defend it. When AREN'T you a fan of The Middle? Considering every post I've read from you has supported the show, I wonder just when you don't like it. Come on, Nance. Don't you think we can see through all that? Wow.


Yes, this is the only show that I've commented on at IMDB. So what? If I look at my number of comments in two months and your number of comments in four months, you've outposted me here in threads about The Middle. what? No one made any of us the moderator on IMDB or a ranking member of the comments gestapo either.

I do like the show. That is why I post. However, as you can tell by my comments, I don't like everything about the show. That is why I've criticized certain things. So, your whiny "Nancy Donahue" rants don't hold any water.

By the way, I don't mind it when people disagree with me. In fact, I welcome it. You claim that I don't -- but I'd love for you to provide some anecdotal evidence of it. Please provide me an example (other than when I've responded to your abrasive posts). I think that I get along with everyone here with the exception of when you rant, whine and complain about what I've written.

A word of advice (take it with a grain of salt): People might like and respect you more if you mingled your posts with a bit of empathy.


By the way, I don't mind it when people disagree with me. In fact, I welcome it. You claim that I don't -- but I'd love for you to provide some anecdotal evidence of it. Please provide me an example (other than when I've responded to your abrasive posts). I think that I get along with everyone here with the exception of when you rant, whine and complain about what I've written.

Referring to someone as a "turd" (merely because she disagreed with you) doesn't exactly fit in with your sweety-sweet, Nancy Donahue-ish, "I don't mind it when people disagree with me" philosophy, now does it?

As for feeling empathy, what the heck does that mean? You want empathy? Then don't waste your time on a message board blathering about a cheesy sitcom! Instead, consult an advice columnist or watch Dr. Phil. You'll find plenty of "empathy" there.


Everything I've read and seen of her actual personality is the same as her characters.

Yeah, cuz the originator of this thread knows Patricia SO well....

The next time I have an idea like that... punch me in the face. -- Tyrion Lannister


Everything I've read and seen of her actual personality is the same as her characters.

Yeah, cuz this person MUST know Patricia personally to know how awful a person she is, and put her down.

The next time I have an idea like that... punch me in the face. -- Tyrion Lannister



I agree that Frankie's character has degraded a bit over time. I'd go back to season 6 even.

On a somewhat related note, does anyone on this message board happen to know any of the other posters personally? Like their age, life story, etc. It's unclear to me if all the (imo) defensiveness is due to posters being young and immature or old and cranky.

Or maybe it's because their real-life relationships are so good they have to spend time arguing with strangers in order to inject some negativity into their lives to balance things out? I suppose that would be a positive spin on it. :)

But as Alan Thicke wrote, "Now the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some..."


I agree that Frankie's character has degraded a bit over time. I'd go back to season 6 even.

For me, it started in season five. That was the gamechanger season, in my opinion.

But this thread isn't about Frankie at all. It's about Patricia Heaton and the OP's dislike of the actress herself. Her characters are incidental.

So, do you like Patricia Heaton? Do you agree or disagree with the OP?


Actually I stand corrected. I agree season 5 was the game-changer. In fact I think I've said that in a previous post but forgot. :) Maybe Axl going to college somehow affected the way Frankie's character was written, directed, or acted. Not sure.

I've never spent time with Patricia Heaton and haven't read much from her, so I don't really have much to base an opinion on. She seemed nice enough in her cooking show that I watched for a few minutes, but of course that's not real life either. However it's unclear to me what the OP's opinion is based on.

Furthermore I don't really get why it even matters. I can see getting annoyed by someone you actually have a relationship with (family, friends), or someone who has the power to affect your life (government officials, employees of businesses you transact with). But celebrities? Seems like a waste of emotions. It's so easy to ignore them. Just spend time doing something else.


all the (imo) defensiveness

I've been here for about two years and during that time there have been a number of periods when a particular user has posted many messages, sometimes responding to every post and frequently attacking people personally. These posters have had many different user names but they all sound so much alike that I have to agree with some people who have done research and identified one real person who uses many accounts to terrorize - I think that's the correct word - other users. Just for one example, in the past few days he has attacked someone who mentioned a movie Charlie McDermott was in before The Middle - he attacked me in the same way a few months ago, using a different name. I say "attacked" because I was responding to someone else who had mentioned the movie, which I later saw on TV, and this person responded to me to interject that the movie is unimportant to Charlie's career - not that either of us had said it was important, we were just discussing other work he had done. In this interval of time, this person's attacks on everyone reached a fever pitch and, in effect, he became the subject of conversation as everyone reacted to his attacks. During this time I learned from other users about "sock accounts" and how this person uses his multiple accounts to report other users (apparently if two "users" report a post, the poster gets a warning - some red text shows up at the top of the page next time you write a post) and also how this person carries on discussions with his other selves, sometimes arguing and sometimes backing each other up when one of them is attacked.

Learning all this about the bowels of IMDB has made me very suspicious of every new poster.


I've been here for about two years and during that time there have been a number of periods when a particular user has posted many messages, sometimes responding to every post and frequently attacking people personally. These posters have had many different user names but they all sound so much alike that I have to agree with some people who have done research and identified one real person who uses many accounts to terrorize - I think that's the correct word - other users. Just for one example, in the past few days he has attacked someone who mentioned a movie Charlie McDermott was in before The Middle - he attacked me in the same way a few months ago, using a different name. I say "attacked" because I was responding to someone else who had mentioned the movie, which I later saw on TV, and this person responded to me to interject that the movie is unimportant to Charlie's career - not that either of us had said it was important, we were just discussing other work he had done. In this interval of time, this person's attacks on everyone reached a fever pitch and, in effect, he became the subject of conversation as everyone reacted to his attacks. During this time I learned from other users about "sock accounts" and how this person uses his multiple accounts to report other users (apparently if two "users" report a post, the poster gets a warning - some red text shows up at the top of the page next time you write a post) and also how this person carries on discussions with his other selves, sometimes arguing and sometimes backing each other up when one of them is attacked.

Learning all this about the bowels of IMDB has made me very suspicious of every new poster.

Oh, relax, why doncha. "Attacked." Come on. Please don't tell me you're that "sensitive!" It's a message board, for heaven's sake.

And stop listening to BOOKMANMOVIELOVER. He's the one sending you private messages supposedly "spilling the beans" on other posters. What he doesn't tell you is that he has multiple accounts himself. Are you really so gullible as to believe him? Cripes?



I think that might apply to the internet in general.

I happened to start working at a company with an internet connection in the late 80s, so I've been reading message boards for a really long time (relatively speaking). One big trend I've noticed: if you find yourself arguing with strangers like you argue with your spouse, you're likely part of the problem.

Do you tend to post long messages on a relatively frequent basis where most of the content is reacting negatively to something someone else said? Do your posts pick apart someone else's post nearly sentence by sentence? Do you find yourself not able to let go of even minor disagreements with someone over topics that are ultimately meaningless (admit it, none of us are likely to be thinking of "The Middle" on our death beds).

The more any of those things are true about you, the more likely you are either just being trolled or even turning into one.



Yes, the last word. A key component of this syndrome. I like the Donald Trump analogy, too. If by the end of his presidency the word "trumper" becomes popular as a generic term to describe someone with a social media disability, I wouldn't be surprised.

One other tell-tale sign I forgot to mention. While using emphasis (italics, upper-case, underlining, bolding) can be sometimes helpful, these people tend to overuse it in the hope that it causes you to feel as deeply as possible every exquisite bit of negativity they have injected into their post. Classic.


One other tell-tale sign I forgot to mention. While using emphasis (italics, upper-case, underlining, bolding) can be sometimes helpful, these people tend to overuse it in the hope that it causes you to feel as deeply as possible every exquisite bit of negativity they have injected into their post. Classic.

YES, that is DEFINITELY true. 😀




I feel the same way. I'm relatively new to IMDB, but I've noticed that here on threads about The Middle (which I participate with) and in other shows and movies that I merely read.

In the case of The Middle, I discovered the "ignore" button yesterday. I can choose to ignore certain posters. Now, I don't receive emails about responses from certain cranky posters who tend to attack/criticize/mock with growing annoyance.

In a related note: I've noticed that some cranky posters have very similar writing styles with other similarly cranky posters. Do you think that this is indicative that they are trolls?


In a related note: I've noticed that some cranky posters have very similar writing styles with other similarly cranky posters. Do you think that this is indicative that they are trolls?

Yeah, I've thought that, too. Man! You can't trust anyone, can you, Nance?

I've also noticed that when people put others on "ignore," they usually end up taking them off ignore. Why? Because they can see that something's being posted, and their curiosity just gets the better of them. Will happen to you, too, I'm sure. If it hasn't already happened. You wouldn't be posting JUST on the Middle's page if you didn't like the "drama."


Ignore makes IMDB tolerable!


Do you think that this is indicative that they are trolls?

Many of them are the same person, in my opinion.



I agree. Since I only post on The Middle and read a few other message boards on other shows and movies, I wonder if IMDB is filled with angry and bitter trolls elsewhere too? It would be good if they could have an IP block -- blocking all usernames from the same IP address.

I think that it would be helpful to implement some sort of method of identifying the trolls (multiple user names from one account) and then revealing that they are the same person. My local online newspaper (a city in the Silicon Valley) does this. It removes comments with the message that it was removed because the poster was using "multiple online profiles."


I think that it would be helpful to implement some sort of method of identifying the trolls (multiple user names from one account) and then revealing that they are the same person. My local online newspaper (a city in the Silicon Valley) does this. It removes comments with the message that it was removed because the poster was using "multiple online profiles."

Go ahead and do that and have a major lawsuit slapped against you. There's no IMDB rule against having multiple accounts. Just because you don't LIKE it, too damned bad. Besides, you'd have to prove the content was consistently abusive--and not just someone who disagrees with you.

On second thought, I suggest you spearhead such a campaign. Then we'll know your identity, and I'm really looking forward to that.


Another should be deleted still hating on Labbe post...


Here's the Mon<i>key</i> quote:

"It would be good if they could have an IP block -- blocking all usernames from the same IP address".

And thanks to "Chris" we can still download the latest version of Nescape:

...and pretend we're all still young as we were in 1996.

...such fun


Another should be deleted still hating on Labbe post...


Watch out, Chris doesn't like it when people disagree with her. And yes, I'm pretty sure Chris is a she.


Seems like you are the one who is hammered and have so many socks you can't keep up. Your usual stalking of me has you confused since you replied your usual perverted reply to me using the wrong account. It's your Tankitty account that replies to me. You are fooling no one claiming to be Bookman. Like he would stalk himself? Are you kidding me?

Uh oh Someone forgot which account they were using -

TanKitty's usual reply to just about every post I make -

As usual sock account ScaryMary helps out with the stalking and insults-

I don't think Bookman would do this to himself. This happened on the Debbie Reynold's board.

Bookman wrote -

My condolences to her family. Tough loss of two family members is tough. RIP

Tankitty replied -

I'm sure they're all happy, knowing that you care, Grace. I mean, Bookmanmovielover.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.   




Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Wow, doesn't that essay read like classic BOOKMANMOVIELOVER? Complete with all the useles links. I'm pretty sure he's either KrazyKatgrl, or he sends her these messages, and she posts them under her account.

One minute, she talking about "liking kittens" and discussing "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," and the next, she's getting down and dirty in the trenches. Bookman really must be freaking out.




She ruins The Middle? She's the star of the show, and it's been on for 8 seasons....yet she ruins the show.




Seems like you are the one who is hammered, Scarymary and have so many socks you can't keep up. Your usual stalking of me has you confused since you replied your usual perverted reply to me using the wrong account. It's your Tankitty account that replies to me. You are fooling no one claiming to be Bookman. Like he would stalk himself? Are you kidding me?

Uh oh Someone forgot which account they were using -

TanKitty's usual reply to just about every post I make -

As usual sock account ScaryMary helps out with the stalking and insults-

I don't think Bookman would do this to himself. This happened on the Debbie Reynold's board.

Bookman wrote -

My condolences to her family. Tough loss of two family members is tough. RIP

Tankitty replied -
I'm sure they're all happy, knowing that you care, Grace. I mean, Bookmanmovielover.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."




Ok. I'll meet you at 17 Longwood Rd. Will Jeannette and her husband Raymond be there? I remember them well from Belmont Ave. I'll be talking to Suzanne or Judith soon. You know them well since they were in the car with Grace.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."





Well, since your sisters enjoy using them that way I guess you would know best. Do you happen to grow lemon trees on 17 Longwood Rd. You had a lot of trees around your home last time I looked.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."



This is the address of the crazy failed writer Rod Labbe. I didn't say the address was in NH. Looks like you know this address well because it's your own address.

I think the correct word for this is OWNED!

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."


So this is where you sit and stalk others online? You reply to every single post they make, jump from sock account to sock account, talk about users privates, their families, childrens bodies such as Brick looking like a man child. You sit and make up lies about users children being taken by CPS or that they are a drunk. Do your neighbors know what you do all day pervert?

Thanks Google Maps for the photo. His is the red house by the way.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."






This is where the crazy IMDB stalker sits and hides day by day. He stalks users all over IMDB, hopping from sock account to sock account and replies to every post users make. Has he done this to you?

Take a peek at his home. It's his mother's home. He moved there in 1985 not long after college. His father was sick and his mom had stopped drinking. His two sisters were successful in life.

This IMDB stalker continues to harass users nonstop. He hates criticizes tv mothers and any user who likes them. He also often criticizes the lives of tv characters. He has an obsession of young boys growing bodies and female users body parts. Anyone wonder if this user's neighbors know how he spends his time?

He now appears to live alone since his mother, cat Yoyo and other partners are gone. He has fond memories of Larry Scott body builder, likes to hunt for pennies from Heaven and search online for female users to sexually harass.

Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;



Hmmm. Is it just me, or does anyone else find something vaguely threatening in all of "Jeannette_Mary's" rather frenzied postings? She posts a picture of someone's house, including the address? For what reason? And then, she posts information on this board and other IMDB boards that appears to be part of an obituary! It strikes me that she's encouraging people to physically retaliate or attack the person living in that home! For what reason, I wonder? Some weird vendetta?

I did an Internet search, and she's actually culling pieces from an online obituary for a woman named Jeannette Mary, who passed away in 2013. Very, very odd behavior and very sad. She sounds dangerous!

Check out this link for proof:

Here's a part of the actual obituary:

Depression child, '50's homemaker to late bloomer, breast cancer survivor and witty observer, she constantly surprised and amazed. - See more at:

And here's the description "Jeannette_Mary" uses on her IMDB page! This is no mere coincidence. Personally, I see this as terrorizing; certainly the survivors of the real Jeannette Mary have reason for concern:

"Depression child, '50's homemaker to late bloomer, breast cancer survivor and witty observer."



Just as threatening as spreading word that other users are drunks, children were taken away by CPS, a user had an abortion and so on?

What I'm doing is called "stalking back" and what I'm posting is nothing but public information. A persons address is public information. Remember phone books? Do you know about Google maps?

This user who has been doing all this is Rod Labbe aka ScaryMary, Tankitty and so on. Actually it was Gubbio who led everyone to a lot of info I posted. So a big thank you to him for that.

Once you know anyone's name it is simple to find their home and information. It is free online for everyone. Don't believe me then just type in your own first & last name into Google and you will be surprised what you find.

Funny, how none of you who are sock accounts have mentioned how your own actions are threatening? Have you forgotten what you've done to multiple users over the past year or more?

Let's take a look -
Celebrating a user may have died

Sexually harassing another user & stalking them. This is where Scarymary forgot to switch to the Tankitty account -

Making accounts to mock another users account and stalking them -

A lot of users I've talked to and Bookman have talked to have spent over a year or more being followed online and sexually harassed or verbally abused by this guy.

So being stalked back isn't that fun is it?

It isn't so hard to do since you have told everyone on here a few times where you are from. Bragged about you interviewing Stephen King and so on.

Just remember that one user has gone to the police because of what Scarymary/Naterdawg/Tankitty & so on have done to her nonstop. She has also given the police YOUR name too. I too have put up with this harassment and stalking. I've had lies about my family and children posted on here too. I am standing up for myself and others. I'm not Bookman. He's done with you & he has said that more than once. All I did was take the name he found "Rod Labbe" just look on Google to see what I can find. I found a lot.

I put it up this information so you get a taste of your own medicine. Do you think I like reading about bad things you want to do to my children? I guess you don't like reading things about your own family either do you?

You talk nonstop about my private parts. How do you like reading about your family member's private parts?

So feel free to continue your daily threats of other users children being taken by CPS, sexually harassing others and stalking them. I don't know what you expect to get by doing this but it sure does make you look stupid.

Now everyone on here knows who you are, where you hide behind your screen and live your miserable life.

But, I'll take the higher road soon. I'll be Krazykat again. You can perv around and talk about my private parts all you want pervert. But, just as Bookman told me that Phylott said you never know about other users. You just might harass the wrong one.

Bookman gave me this link & it showed that that even 2yrs ago users were talking about how you harassed them. Looks like you have a long line of people who don't like you because of your online life.

So put your head on your pillow in your mothers home tonight and sleep well. As you do remember each and every user on here who you trashed, threaten, sexually harass, spread lies about their family, stalk nonstop, write death stories about and so on.

Is that a threat? No, it isn't. It's facts about what you have done to others. It's public information stored on IMDB by your own hands.

Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;


So put your head on your pillow in your mothers home tonight and sleep well. As you do remember each and every user on here who you trashed, threaten, sexually harass, spread lies about their family, stalk nonstop, write death stories about and so on.

Wow. I think you've popped your mental cork. Last I checked, YOU'RE the one spreading lies (as you did rampantly throughout your last post), and you've taken it upon yourself to destroy and denigrate someone you don't like. You and Bookman have run a campaign of hatred against that user for months. How he convinced YOU to get involved, a little girl interested in "kittens" and Sabrina the Teenage Witch is interesting. Now, all of a sudden, you're a grown woman with children! What's wrong with this picture?

Seriously, why do you care so much? All the research you've done, the going to online obituaries and stealing whole paragraphs from one in particular, even STEALING the photo you're using as your avatar! You know, someone OWNS that photo, and it isn't you. Copyright infringement is a very serious matter. That picture is of Jeannette Mary Labbee, who passed away on February 2, 2013. You have no right to use it, since you don't have the owner's permission.

Frankly, I think you have a serious mental problem, and apparently, posting on the IMDB aggravates it. Maybe you should just take a break and chill out. Relax. Seek some help. Because you're definitely not getting it here.

What I'm doing is called "stalking back" and what I'm posting is nothing but public information. A persons address is public information. Remember phone books? Do you know about Google maps?

This user who has been doing all this is Rod Labbe aka ScaryMary, Tankitty and so on. Actually it was Gubbio who led everyone to a lot of info I posted. So a big thank you him for that.

No, YOU'RE the one stalking people, which you freely admit. Don't you realize how serious this is? Bookman has led you down the primrose path toward a jail sentence. Personally, I think you ARE Bookman, aka "Grace," since your absolutely LOONY way of writing is identical. You've really been Grace all along, and you let it slip in that long, rambling post. Only Grace had kids that were taken away by CPS. It was talked about at length on this very board two years ago. Something about drinking and driving and having children in a car. Very bad, Grace. At the time, you promised to get help. You haven't, have you? Posting nasty stuff on message boards isn't "getting help."

You can perv around and talk about my private parts all you want pervert. But, just as Bookman told me that Phylott said you never know about other users. You just might harass the wrong one.

Well, since we all know Phyllot was kicked off the IMDB, what he has to say doesn't matter. But thanks for giving us permission to talk about your "private parts" all we want, oh, two lemons in the bush girl.

Good luck to you, as you struggle up from the whirlpool of alcoholism. It's tough, but you can do it. I have faith in you, despite your nasty attitude and downright dirty way of harassing people.


You know Mary, it is obvious to everyone that TanKitty is your vile alter ego. Everyone knows it, so don't try to deny it.

I don't know why you insist on arguing with everyone. Sometimes you have salient points that are worth listening to; however, right now you are just being a blockheaded bitch.

But I have a feeling you aren't even a woman, so that means you are a blockheaded bastard.

Meanwhile, curb your enthusiasm for being obstreperous and just discuss the show.




I don't know why you insist on arguing with everyone. Sometimes you have salient points that are worth listening to; however, right now you are just being a blockheaded bitch.

Are you referring to yourself, in an unguarded moment of true, personal confession?






of course we all know Scarymary & Tankitty are the same person.

Look at Tankitty's past posts and see how Rod Labbe likes to sexually harass me and stalk me. He likes to post about my private parts and write lies about my family.

Scarymary forgot to switch accounts one day.

Personally, I see this as terrorizing; certainly the survivors of the real Jeannette Mary have reason for concern:

LOL You don't see what you have done to others for the past few years as the exact same thing, pervert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, you have even sent one user to the police because of your threats. You have written about her being put in a car, drugged and plunged off a cliff. Yes, that is very threatening.

Now you whine and cry because now your own family is being talked about online. lol

Didn't you put up a photo of your brother inlaw? Did you get his permission? How would he feel about this? You using his image to harass others?

So go whine and complain. All your family has to do is see these posts and see the kind of life you live online. I think your family might be very interested in your life on here.

But, don't worry I'll be Krazy Kat again. Maybe tonight or tomorrow but I can just as easily switch back once you start stalking and harassing me and other users. Each time you follow me around online you will see a familiar face or name. No, this is not a threat, it is a fact. Just like you can change my profile picture and name at any time to be anyone I want. You like to change your profile name & user name a lot don't you. Remember when you did this to Bookman.

It's this photo of Patty Duke, what did you say about the person in my profile picture "terrorizing; certainly the survivors of the real Jeannette Mary have reason for concern". I'll bet Patty Dukes family would feel the same way. Now the shoe is on the other foot isn't it?

So go on tell your sisters about this and let them see you talking about my TWAT or lies you write about users children & even my children being taken by CPS or lies about other children, lies about me drinking and every little lie you make up. Go on.

Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;



But keep on drinking and driving. Maybe someday your kids can come back to you and forgive you. Watch Anne of Green Gables and cry about your childhood with foster parents who beat and ignored you. I realize it's a sad life. But don't take your troubles out on others.

As usual you seem to think I'm someone else. I'm pretty sure I've never posted about Anne Of Green Gables. Do you really think more than one user will stand up to you, pervert? You seem to forget there are millions of users on here. Not just you the few users you are obsessed with.

Since you are still spreading lies about me, it looks like we might be seeing more faces of your family in my profile pictures on here for awhile. Their names too. So next time your sister Suzanne L Labbee Sr & sister Judith E Pancoast Google their names they will see what their brother Rodney A Labbe does online. Your sister Judith has daughters too. I often Google search my family members online so your nieces will see this too. You do know that IMDB isn't private. Try Googling one of your old deleted accounts and you will find out. Naterdawg is one suggested since you used your brother inlaws photo. That is what Bookman told me. This would be your brother inlaw Phillip.

Again, not a threat, just a promise.

Remember it was your mother who drank and smoked. She is the the most influential person in you life. She must have been a stalker too.

I moved back home after college (in 1985) and lived with my mother and father. Dad had been sick for many years with heart and circulatory issues. Mom, however, was very strong, very vital. She went to an exercise class three times a week, was working, stopped smoking (and drinking) and even earned her high school degree through adult education when she was 60!

Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;






It must have been hard to write this post.


Grace, I mean, "Jeannette Mary," you claim this: "Naterdawg is one of your socks, since you used your brother inlaws photo. That is what Bookman told me. This would be your brother inlaw Phillip."

You even provide a link to his picture and claim it's one of my "socks:"

Oh, really, Grace who claims not to be Bookman? That photograph isn't of anyone named "Philip." Check out this link, you moron, and scroll down. You'll find that the photo is indeed of NATERDAWG. The same NATERDAWG you always accused me of being:

Just ONE MORE LIE from you, Bookman. I mean, Grace. I mean, KrazyKatgrl. You've told so many, you can't even keep them straight! Haha! What a moron.

Yes, Naterdawg is a completely real and DIFFERENT person than me. Just think of all the energy you've wasted on your campaign of hatred, and all the while, you have the wrong person. Tsk-tsk.

Remember THIS little lie you posted on another message board, under the name of "Thunder," last October?

"Rod Labbe continues to stalk and harass users this time on IMDB. He’s been doing it for a little over 2yrs that I know of, but according to some it has been at least 3yrs. He has a number of sock accounts and admits to that too. I met him 2yrs ago when I joined IMDB. I went and posted on the Annie forum just to comment how much my wife & I enjoyed the movie. I call my wife “my girl” or “my girlfriend” even after many years of marriage. It’s a pet name. So after another post about how my wife enjoyed it I found myself getting attacked and this user (Naterdawg) calling me by a female name. After a few days I saw this same user attacking another user, a female nonstop. One night I log on and see this Naterdawg post a “story” about this female user and said he forced alcohol down her throat and her & her kids were killed in a car accident. He quickly went beyond trolling to threatening this woman personally. I started standing up for her since no one else was doing anything. When ever Naterdawg would post so would another user and together they tormented this woman, myself and a few other users. He was soon banned and a few months later he surfaced on The Middle board on IMDB. He was quickly greeted by a sock account who let everyone know he use to be Naterdawg."

Naterdawg. Haha! Are you really that dense? Stop drinking!


You had a different series of numbers after your name. You are naterdawg, and you have also admitted to be menotherapy.

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**





Well, what do you know ? !

The "red letters of death" are back again -- which means someone reported me.

Gee.... I wonder who..... 

I don't know how I'll sleep tonight !  


Who do you think? It's either "Hide" or Bookman, aka "Jeannette_Mary." But I personally think it's "Hide," since he's been active on the boards in the last hour.


But I personally think it's "Hide," since he's been active on the boards in the last hour.

FTR I do not report anyone. Never have, never will.

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


You had a different series of numbers after your name. You are naterdawg, and you have also admitted to be menotherapy.

True, there were numbers after the "Yendor" account's name. But you're wrong about Naterdawg and Menotherapy and A New Hope and Gubbio, and all the other people you and Bookman have accused me of being. I have only ONE account, and when I'm through with that one, I delete it.







I hardly think Frankie Heck would be the same as Deborah Barone, and the latter character always wanted things to be her way while Frankie is more stressed out. You might as well stop watching the middle as I don't see Patrica Heaton leaving the series, while there are teens like any that are taking place in college but she is in most of them.


while there are teens like any that are taking place in college but she is in most of them.

This does NOT make a lick of sense.


I read it 6 times, trying to make sense of it, but I failed.


Do you really think I am going to waste my time trying to explain it so it would make sense to you


I don't think you COULD explain it to us. Not without closed captions and an interpreter.


First of all how can I even get closed captions on here, last timer I checked this is not tv


let me try,

while there are teens like any that are taking place in college but she is in most of them.

there are teens, like any other teens, that go to college, and Sue is in most of the colleges, all 4,140 of them,
that's the best I can do,


well i like Mrs Heaton, but it's her character Frankie that i can't stand. Mrs' Heaton is nice, calm, and kind, but the character Frankie, is a self absorbed crazy ass, who blames her husband and kids for what she does not have in life.


Frankie ruins the Middle for me
