a few things that bothered me

1) Okay I've never been to Yemen but I have travelled in neighbouring Saudi Arabia which is somewhat similar culturally. Therefore, I highly doubt that Emily Blunt's character would be able to walk around in her pants and t-shirt in some remote Yemeni village without causing scandal and offence to the locals.

2) The Sheikh is a religious Muslim man (surprisingly, for once, this is portrayed in a positive light!) yet he seems to feel sorry for Ewan McGregors character when he gets briefly rejected by Emily Blunt's character whom he is about to have an extra-marital affair with. Adultery is one of the biggest sins in Islam and so I highly doubt that the Sheikh would sympathise with Ewan's plight in this case.

3) In fact, I found it hard to sympathise with Ewan's character myself. Ok so his marriage is a bit dull and him and his wife are having communication and sexual problems but HELLO THIS IS ALL MARRIAGES. Most couples will encounter these problems at some time or another and hopefully work through them because that's what marriage is all about.. you don't just dump your partner on a whim after meeting a more attractive younger woman. The worst thing is the movie expects us to side with Ewan because his wife is dowdy and not really sexually satisfying him... so the underlying theme is basically, if you don't sexually satisfy your husband he is right to leave you for a younger woman.

4) The scene where Ewan saves the Sheikh's life with his fishing rod.. really? That just cracked me up.

5) Emily Blunt would dump her far more attractive (mainly personality wise) soldier for Ewan's socially dysfunctional character, over a minor disagreement over the Sheikh's intentions regarding building a golf course or whatever?

6) Do they really have super rich Yemeni Sheikhs? Isn't Yemen a very poor country with little oil? Where did this guy get all his money?

7) I don't know anything about Salmon or fishing but... what will the Salmon eat exactly?


Well man made rivers have been done for years just like Lake Livingston we have here in Texas and when u stock a river and or lake u use bait fish Minnows or whatever Salmon eat would be put into this man made eco-system and in the mean time fish food would be used until the bait fish mature and start having eggs to provide natural food sources for the Salmon that answers that question I hope ? I though it was a good movie and the science behind it works so that helps lol


Definitely the Arabic was completely off. The arabic is in different accents but none seem close to the Yemeni arabic accent. This is the case in all movies I've seen. With so many Arab nationalities in the US, I wonder why they just can't get someone to confirm the accent. To give an idea to none arabic speakers, imagine james bond speaking Tennesse English, or a Surfer speaking British English!!!

The Arab actors including the sheikh seem to have learnt arabic as a third language and sound robotic and stupid. The actor is Egyptian but I'm guessing he left Egypt as a baby, hence his poor Arabic.


Why cant the sheikh just buy a yacht and fish in the ocean or the Red Sea!? River fishing I guess is better?

Also, rural Yemen is soo poor I'm sure that the tribes in that area would be dying to get jobs in such a project or at least have access to the New resource: fish. It would be stupid (and unislamic) to sabotage this project which brings food to the people.

The lady with the water jug seemed too fancy for such a rural area. I'm guessing she works for the sheikh who asked her to bring them water. Otherwise it should have been a very tired looking girl instead.

Finally, I know that salmon go back to the ocean after spawning. Will they go back to the same River that could be dry in some places?


1- yemen is very different from saudi arabia, actually all arab and muslim countries are very different, saudi arabia is ruled by 200 yrs cult of wahhabies that were always a very small minority.

2- sheihk can be said for both "religion men" and secular tribal leaders, this one looked like tribal leader.

6- yemen is very poor country, the movie could make sense if the sheik was saudi or kuwaiti from yemeni origin like osama ben laden.


1-7) Apparently you don't see the humor in this...

