a few things that bothered me

1) Okay I've never been to Yemen but I have travelled in neighbouring Saudi Arabia which is somewhat similar culturally. Therefore, I highly doubt that Emily Blunt's character would be able to walk around in her pants and t-shirt in some remote Yemeni village without causing scandal and offence to the locals.

2) The Sheikh is a religious Muslim man (surprisingly, for once, this is portrayed in a positive light!) yet he seems to feel sorry for Ewan McGregors character when he gets briefly rejected by Emily Blunt's character whom he is about to have an extra-marital affair with. Adultery is one of the biggest sins in Islam and so I highly doubt that the Sheikh would sympathise with Ewan's plight in this case.

3) In fact, I found it hard to sympathise with Ewan's character myself. Ok so his marriage is a bit dull and him and his wife are having communication and sexual problems but HELLO THIS IS ALL MARRIAGES. Most couples will encounter these problems at some time or another and hopefully work through them because that's what marriage is all about.. you don't just dump your partner on a whim after meeting a more attractive younger woman. The worst thing is the movie expects us to side with Ewan because his wife is dowdy and not really sexually satisfying him... so the underlying theme is basically, if you don't sexually satisfy your husband he is right to leave you for a younger woman.

4) The scene where Ewan saves the Sheikh's life with his fishing rod.. really? That just cracked me up.

5) Emily Blunt would dump her far more attractive (mainly personality wise) soldier for Ewan's socially dysfunctional character, over a minor disagreement over the Sheikh's intentions regarding building a golf course or whatever?

6) Do they really have super rich Yemeni Sheikhs? Isn't Yemen a very poor country with little oil? Where did this guy get all his money?

7) I don't know anything about Salmon or fishing but... what will the Salmon eat exactly?



That would be fine except I don't think this film was intended to be a 'farce'?



1) She's under the protection of the Sheikh, no one's going to stone her for wearing pants and long sleeve shirt.

2) The Sheikh is a modern man who has properties all over the world and spends most of his time in Scotland. Possibly Harvard/Oxford educated too. Not all religious men are conservative backwards baffoon

3) The underline of his marriage is not about him meeting a younger woman. It's about him not subjugating to a loveless marriage just because of the word "married". Sometimes walking away is the best thing to do than staying in a marriage where it drains your very soul into nothingness. So Dr. Jones, after being told it's in his DNA that he'll always return to his dull boring life decided to change.

4) That's fly fishing ... I'm sure you've seen it on Discovery channel !

5) I admit .. the boyfriend being very good looking made it harder BUT ... it's not about his looks it's about what he believes. The boyfriend apparently doesn't respect her enough to believe in this project she's passionate about. Why choose someone who looks good but doesn't respect you ? unless you have very low self esteem and think a good looking man on your arm will solve everything ...

6) Sheikhs are rich !

7) Salmons eat other fish ... & plankton ! OR MEAT !

"I prefer 'well-compensated establishment provocateur'" - Wade Wilson/Deadpool


1) I didn't say that she would get stoned, but she would definitely get some shocked and disapproving looks from locals. Anyway, I guess this is a minor detail and I'm being pedantic.

2) Lol @ at the Sheikh being a 'modern man'.. so it is backwards to disapprove of cheating on your wife? I am a young 'modern' educated woman but I hugely disapprove of adultery. Considering we saw the Sheikh praying, he would be quite a confused and hypocritical Muslim to approve of Ewan McGregor's character's adultery while also adhering to Islam's other basic tenants such as daily prayer. But then again, there are plenty of confused and hypocritical Muslims in real life anyway so maybe it is not so unrealistic.

3) I guess my point about him leaving his wife is really just based on my own personal feelings towards the subject, and not a exactly a flaw of the film. I feel that the Western society/media is very quick to promote the idea that a marriage should be perfect and that if it is not an amazing, sexy, mind-blowing romance then you should dump your partner quick. This sets young people up with very high and unrealistic expectations and I believe this is probably contributing to the high rate of divorce in the West. But this is only my humble opinion and each person will view the film in a different light I guess.

4) Lol okay if you say so...

5) You're right, you're right.. I guess I just found it unrealistic.

6) Do you know what a Sheikh is? It's not actually the equivalent of a prince, rather it's a title given to someone 'of knowledge', a scholar, a leader, or sometimes it's just a family name. So not necessarily some rich oil guy. Of which there are few in Yemen.

7) My point exactly, there are no other fish or plankton in the river!

Thanks for addressing my points, always nice to discuss a film even when I didn't like it that much lol...


1) If this movie show shocking looks from locals it would make this a really LONG .... I mean LONG movie with lots of unnecessary shots, and there has to be continuity. They can’t just show only 1 old woman in the village giving her disapproving looks, they have to show woman of all age and status, men from all age and status.... you see where I’m going with this ? Instead of a movie it’ll be like a survey-documentary. You don’t like this movie now ... you’d really hate it then.

2) there are a lot of modern men in western and eastern countries/civilization who regularly go to places of prayer but still have modern opinions and thoughts. Which clearly shows they don’t judge others. Which a lot of people these day do quite easily without walking a mile in other ppl’s shoes. So this sheikh prays ... does this mean he has to be totally devout ? and force his opinions on others about moral and what is right & wrong ? Don’t you just hate that ?

3) Actually I have to disagree with you slightly, I think the western media, even the eastern media now are ( starting) to move away from the 60’s - 80’s tv/movie that promotes family values and the sanctity of marriage between men & women. They’re more open about divorces that happen every 5 minutes in this world. This movie is actually not promoting that if the marriage is not perfect..then leave, it’s promoting self awareness. It’s promoting self being. In the 60’s - 90’s films and tv never shows any divorces. All they show are women’s plight and suffering to keep marriage alive. I am also a woman.... ( and based on my own personal marriage) I believe that if one’s not happy with their marriage why persist on staying on ? Why not call it quits and move on and be happy ? A lot of couples DO stay in marriages despite their unhappiness and end up regretting it a lot later in life. You mention Dr.Jones didn’t fight enough for his marriage ? how much is enough ? So, if we believe that women should find happiness ... why can’t men do it ? This is what Dr Jones did in this movie. If you want to blame someone for Setting high standards in relationship ? Blame Disney ! Blame the films/tv series that idolizes ‘love at first sight’ or ‘true love’ ...

4) discovery channel ? youtube perhaps ?

6) I guess you’re right .. not all sheikhs are rich... In THIS particular movie ... he’s a rich guy. Why Yemen ? cause maybe country needs the money ? and... promotion ? and because the film company doesn’t want to get sued over the legality of using the title ? If Yemeni authority gives the film producers rights to use their country name and the title ... heck .. why refuse it ?

7) If he’s rich enough to import salmon & build a dam ... I think he can fork out some imported fish food ? OR the Salmons can eat other salmons ... and eventually next year we’ll see another movie called “ Dr. Jones’ Cannibal FISH !” and release it as a syfy horror ! :D

I happen to like this film ... :)

"I prefer 'well-compensated establishment provocateur'" - Wade Wilson/Deadpool


I believe the doctor was separated from his wife, so although legally still married, he was in the process of ending it.


6) I guess you’re right .. not all sheikhs are rich... In THIS particular movie ... he’s a rich guy. Why Yemen ? cause maybe country needs the money ? and... promotion ? and because the film company doesn’t want to get sued over the legality of using the title ? If Yemeni authority gives the film producers rights to use their country name and the title ... heck .. why refuse it ?

Silliest thing I have read on the internet today!


Just today??

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


6) I guess you’re right .. not all sheikhs are rich... In THIS particular movie ... he’s a rich guy. Why Yemen ? cause maybe country needs the money ? and... promotion ? and because the film company doesn’t want to get sued over the legality of using the title ? If Yemeni authority gives the film producers rights to use their country name and the title ... heck .. why refuse it ?

Do you seriously believe that countries' names are... copyrighted and someone needs to.. license them or get permission from the country's authorities in order to use them in a film, TV show or novel? Does the same apply to cities and continents? This is, I dare say, the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my whole life, in all my 41 years. Where are you from, Antarctica?

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


"I guess I just found it unrealistic."

It's not supposed to be realistic, it's a flaming film fer crying out loud!

If you want realism watch a documentary.


1) & 2) -- I live in the Middle East and I have been to Yemen. It is totally OK for a woman to walk around like that, especially if you're in a private area. Secondly, the Shaikh is a man who owns a house in England. We have seen Emily and Evan drink wine/alcohol on the first night they stayed at his place. So this fictional character is someone who doesn't disapprove of other people's ways of life while he maintains his faith. I think Affyr needed to take a few leaps here and there.
Its not a great movie but definitely not an average movie- you're floundering too much on the surface, try to look at it beyond these details.
and please not everyone goes after LOOKS!!! The soldier guy was funny, but it was Evan who connected with Emily. Since this is a bit serious issue, keep your hand on your heart and tell me which of them would have lasted longer?


I think you'll find his house is in Scotland, famous for its salmon fishing.


Divorce is actually both religiously and legally acceptable in Islam, if you didn't know already. It's an ancient tradition even.



yeah ... you're probably right :D

"I prefer 'well-compensated establishment provocateur'" - Wade Wilson/Deadpool



1. True, but like someone else stated, it would have made the movie much longer and there were already a ton of other controversial things happening (ie: attempts on the Sheikh's life) that it would have added one too many chaotic situations to deal with at one time. At least for me.

2. I assumed at this point in the movie, they were either divorced or in the process of divorce. Dr. Jones said he left his wife but he didn't exactly give everyone all the details. Maybe Sheikh assumed, as I did, that the marriage was over and final by then.

3. I agree that they ended the marriage so quickly. We don't know if they've been struggling with this and seeking counseling for many years before the start of the movie or not. All we get told is there's been problems for a while now and that they married young. They obviously had many issues, but I didn't like how suddenly and easily they parted ways and is one of the major reasons I could not completely love this movie.

4. Yes.. I found that whole scene silly. But I'm not a fly fisher so I guess I can't appreciate it *shrugs*

5. I don't think that Robert the soldier didn't respect Harriet. At least no more than Dr. Jones disrespected her for the first half of the movie. He refused to do the project, told her is the stupid, and only worked on it because his job depended on it. He mocked her every step of the way until she proved how serious she was about making it happen and when he met the Sheikh. Robert didn't have that opportunity because he was MIA and fighting for his life.

6. Didn't they mention he had oil or something? It's very vague.. Who knows?

7. I assume they added plant life to the river and maybe planned to add other fish for them to eat? I don't know! This movie makes you assume way too much to try to fill in the blanks! Maybe we should read the book hahaha



1) It's a movie, they probably ignored this because most movie-goers will care very little about this aspect (it's a romantic dramedy not a documentary) and it would have added minutes to an already lengthy movie.

2) The Sheikh, despite being a Muslim, is an educated and open-minded one. I think he understands the good doctor's situation as well as the fact that he's not Muslim thus he doesn't judge him by Muslim 'law' as it were. (just as we shouldn't judge certain cultures where a man is permitted to have 10+ wives)

3) While he conservative part of me agrees I do have to admit that in my opinion he did the right thing. It was clearly shown that she was just as unhappy in that marriage as he was. With no kids they could both go on their separate ways without any repercusions to anyone. While the doctor's reasons were condemnable (best word i could come up with in 5 secs), I do respect him for ending it.

4) Honestly, if you were any good at fly-fishing and all u'd have to save a man's life was the rod in your hand could you come up with a better idea in the 2 seconds he had ? :D

5) Finding someone who not only shares your passions, your interests, but encourages you to follow them and loves you for the ambition with which you pursue your dreams is worth ten charming blokes with whom you've spent 3 weeks of steaming sex and superficial romance. Romance and sex is a passing fancy while the sort of bond they shared lasts forever.

6) Irrelevant. Again it's not a documentary and most people won't give it enough thought to realise it might be a flawed concept.

7) Fish food would be my first thought. You know the kind in plastic bags :P. Or in their case lorries.


4 - Don't forget that he was training that movement with his boss picture on his job door...


Despite? We are not all religious zealots, you know. Islam supports eduction and open-mindedness. The west's Islam overlooks that. Peace.

To err is human, to forgive divine




2. You mean the Sheikh that claims to have a bunch of wives? He would have a problem with someone being involved with multiple women?

It ain't wise to be a jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving.



-OBLIVION14 - "Divorce is actually both religiously and legally acceptable in Islam, if you didn't know already. It's an ancient tradition even."

I would type "LOL", but that would be a disgraceful response. Do you really purport that a WOMAN could initiate a divorce from her husband in an Islamic marriage? A divorce, if it were to happen, would occur when the man has grown tired of his wife, or wants a younger woman, etc - but as often as not the woman is simply accused of adultery and executed so the man is free to take a new wife. I would call it "disposal", not divorce, what an Islamic man does when he no longer wishes to keep the wife he has taken.

To the OP and the follow ups, with respect, I like this movie. I like Ewan and Emily and I think they have an interesting chemistry. But with regard to the things that bother you, if I may add along the same vein what bothered me was why they chose to make the man/nation Yemen at all. I had just finished reading my National Geographic story on marriage in Yemen. The "women" are often between 9 and 12 years old. One of the pictures in the story shows a fourteen year old with a toddler and a new born. She is still bleeding from child birth and unsure what to do about it. The governement has tried to outlaw the child bride marriages, so the ceremonies just take place in secret.

I can't really verbalize how angry this story made me, and then to watch this film with the Yemeni man portrayed as educated and cultured - well, it was hard to stomach.

I still like the film, but would it not have made more sense to have the character be a Saudi?


I still like the film, but would it not have made more sense to have the character be a Saudi?

Are you serious? OK, maybe a Saudi, but living abroad, I guess? Because Saudi Arabia, to remind you, is a country where women are stoned because of adultery, aren't allowed to leave the house without a male (husband, brother...), let alone allowed to drive a car (yes, recently there is a certain movement to change this rule), so how could you imagine a female dressed like Emily there (if people have objections what she was wearing in Yemen...) and doing any bussiness except pleasing a husband, and just to remind you that this is the country where more than a dozen of girls died in the flame when the school watchman didn't unlock the door to let them out because of not being properly covered and in the same time, outdoors, police was fighting firemen to prevent them from saving the girls because of the same reason.

And as for early marriages, they are still frequent in many Moslem countries so there is no need to blame Yemen just because you read an article about this and not some other country. After all, this early marriages have been a tradition in USA just a century ago, in fact even later - I'll give you just two examples: the movie Child Bride from 1938 was made to warn society what is happening; the other is Loretta Lynn who was, according to her biography and the movie Coalminer'd Daughter from 1980, married at the age of 13, and that happened in 1948.; though later this appeared to be false and she was married at 15 people believed this because this was nothing so unusual and unbelievable, and only a bit more than half a century ago in the middle of USA. So, most likely Yemen and other countries will once abandon this tradition, but remember that some of the "victims" of these early American marriages are still alive and married.


I thought the movie was close but they missed a major point - at least for me. The army boyfriend should have played a negative role. If he had I would have been all in. I wasn't allowed to root for anyone and movies where romance is involved I need to root for someone and there wasn't any. It just was.


Well man made rivers have been done for years just like Lake Livingston we have here in Texas and when u stock a river and or lake u use bait fish Minnows or whatever Salmon eat would be put into this man made eco-system and in the mean time fish food would be used until the bait fish mature and start having eggs to provide natural food sources for the Salmon that answers that question I hope ? I though it was a good movie and the science behind it works so that helps lol
