Why did Ted freak out...

...when Lucy told him Martha had been living in the Catskills? She said "it's ok" and he said "no, it's not". Was it just because they didn't know she had actually been that close by the whole time? That's all I can think of. Seemed like a pretty strong reaction though.

Saying "I apologize" is the same as saying "I'm sorry." Except at a funeral.


i think he was surprised she was that close, and had not been in contact..he prob felt she should have made more of an effort, and that Lucy was the better person


and that Lucy was the better person

I agree that is what he thought. However, Lucy was so unlikable...she tried to help but she was so demeaning. It became a difficult task for sure. She did "her" best but she sort of had a hand in her issues to begin with.

We live by the Sun, we feel by the Moon


I thought his reaction was odd as well. I took it that he didn't approve of Martha living with her boyfriend (or possibly because she was living in the Catskills), not because she was so close, but you're right that the latter does make more sense.


I know this is old, but I just watched this film and wanted to share my thought on your question. I do think it was because she was so close but had zero contact. But consider too that he has been the support for his wife while her sister was essentially missing. So he would naturally be upset to learn that his wife had anguished over her sisters disappearance only to find out she was just living with a boyfriend nearby but not calling or visiting for no conceivable reason.


I agree but I can't understand how he didn't see how she treated Martha. It was completely obvious that she had major animosity towards her.


I've actually experienced similar people who don't see the flaws in their partner when it comes to others. Almost like a chosen blindness to bad behavior. I personally think that the sister was just a judgmental yuppy and her behavior was that mixed with worry, frustration, and childhood issues. Since the directors intent was for people to draw there own conclusion, those were mine.


I too have seen this -- my own sister is a bitch like Lucy, actually she's even meaner and more judgemental, but her husband, who is otherwise a decent person, see no flaw in my sister. She's a complete shrew with nasty issues but her husband has stuck by her for forty years of marriage and even goes along with her when he doesn't agree that what she's doing or believing is right! He actually admitted that to me on our final conversation.

I also worked for a woman who was a nasty article in similar ways, and again, she had a husband who seemed blind to her horrible personality and the terrible way she treated people. It does happen.
