MovieChat Forums > Human Target (2010) Discussion > its official -Human Target CANCELED

DAmmit. Hope to see Jacky Earle Hailey in something good again soon.

'crawl back into my hole' is it? Well, you can just go d** in a fire.


Those dorks. The reality crap stays on and the good shows go. It figures.


That's true. I agree with u! Fox needs to be shown what happens to people and networks like Fox who cancel good shows like Human Target.
Lousy program director should be told not to put it up against a power house show and put the show on more often, rather than postponing it for reality crap.
I say let another network pick it up so Fox looses a ton of money again. That way someone should show these jirks at Fox what they lost in a profit by ratings.


The worst part is that there are no "reality" shows! Everything we've been brainwashed into calling reality are just glorified game shows.


Well they're competition shows. Vote this one out, or off etc. Total crap. The lowest crap known to man besides sports. Talk about your brainwashing it's sports.


YES...YES...YES...YES... It couldn't have happened to a more deserved pile of.....YES , YES, YES.


Fox cancelled this and CHICAGO CODE - two shows that had excellent locations and photography, as well as solid characters and interesting plots. Dolts.



If you don't watch the show don't comment. It had action, romance and the best good/bad guy in Jackie Earle Hailey I have seen in a long time. How can a character be that likeable and a cold blooded torturer/killer all at one time? It shows an increadible ability to show the depth of a character. Although all the characters were not that well developed, the three mains were and there stories were worth watching. I will miss this show. Looks like I will have some free time next year.


Yep, I guessed having two new strong female leads was going to help score new viewers...Good jog, Matt Millar.


I'm getting good at spotting "Jump the Shark, (a plot line that shows that the show has definitely lost it)" "Moonlighting (sexual tension being acted upon)" and "Mad About You (having a baby)" scenarios.

The problem with this series was the "Moonlighting" scenario. I knew it the moment that Pucci character was introduced. My husband liked seeing different sexy guest stars on each week (a la James Bond). Neither of us liked the Pucci character. She was annoying, he should never have been the slightest bit attracted to her, but....boom.....and there is the end of the show.

Too bad, I really liked it.




It only had minor flaws in season 1 such as episodic plots and side character development. This show did not need a revamp. It was good the way was in its first season. There was a lot to build upon. Season 2 is a horrible mess. Matt Miller was the wrong guy to bring in. Now that I heard a couple of weeks ago that Chuck is going to get a fifth and final season. I really Wish Matt Miller would of stayed on Chuck. As for Fox you Canceled The Chicago Code and Human Target what am I supposed watch on you network. None of your upfront are worth checking out. Why did you go along with a revamp with WB who's network the CW pander to 15 year old girls.



Honestly you ALL didn't like Ilsa Pucci? Who do you like then? Britney effin' Spears? Ilsa for me was hotter than any character in cougar town for instance. Also hotter than anyone in desperate housewives.

Now that I think of it probably the only shows that last are the ones for a female audience...

I like Armageddon. A lot.


bummer. great show. It was a fun escape.


Well, at least "Person of Interest" will sort of fiill my "Human Target" need.


It was one of the best shows out there. I expect this kind of thing from ABC; I will never become too accustomed to one of their shows again (RIP Life On Mars).


This sucks, the shows was never boring. Like most other shows. I didn't know it was canceled, until I saw Mark Valley on Harry's Law commercial and wander why he was on it.


@ taxi - The only upfront that they had that looked a little interesting was Alcatraz, which comes on in the Spring. Other than that, I'm not watching anything new on FOX right now. Only shows I watch are House (out of repetition at this point) and Fringe.

@ rick - Same here. To me, that show has gotten better with each episode. Although it's still hard for me to buy Michael Emmerson as a good guy. He just looks freaky.


This still sucks. Man I miss this show!!!!!!


I really loved this show and will most likely get the DVD/Blu-Ray when they come out. Hopefully the actors will get a cut from those sales because Chi McBride, Mark Valley & Jackie Earle Haley deserve the extra pay for their excellent work on this show. I really enjoyed each episode and always waited patiently each week for the next. You can watch the first season on Netflix if you're a subscriber. The 2nd season should be out soon on DVD if it already isn't.


I loved this show too. It was probably the last GREAT show that Mark Valley was in, everything else he has joined has got decidedly crappier after his arrival. Harrys Law and Body of Proof are just two shows I can think of. Dont get me wrong, I like him as an actor and hope he finds something else that is a success. As far as Human Target is concerned I may buy the DVD set as it was a fun show that I enjoyed, even though they changed season 2 and sent it in the wrong direction. It still got away with it in my view though, I think that by then the studio had stuck their nose in and that was it. Game over.


Maybe if McG wasn't such a prick, the show would have lasted. I worked with him, he is NOT a nice guy and it might explain why his career is now failing.


Maybe if McG wasn't such a prick, the show would have lasted. I worked with him, he is NOT a nice guy and it might explain why his career is now failing.
