MovieChat Forums > I, Frankenstein (2014) Discussion > How to rank the seemingly endless pile o...

How to rank the seemingly endless pile of recent box office bombs

I'm interested in finding out which of these films that tanked at the box-office are actually considered to be pretty good and underrated. I'm aware of the IMDB and RT rankings, but I'd still like to hear more opinions. Rank these recent Hollywood fails in order of worst(1) to best(10)- and please only rank films that you've actually seen.

-1. I Frankenstein
-2. Pompeii
-3. After earth
-4. The Lone ranger
-5. John Carter
-6. Green lantern
-7. The legend of Hercules
-8. Battleship
-9. 47 ronin
-10. Cloud Atlas
-11. R.I.P.D.
-12. White House Down
-13. Enders game
-14. Oldboy
-15 Speed Racer
-16. Mars Needs Moms
-17. jack the giant slayer
-18. Cowboys and Aliens
-19. Conan The Barbarian
-20. The Wolfman

Feel free to make suggestions about others that should be on the list.


1) Cowboys and Aliens
2) I Frankenstein
3) Battleship

4) The legend of Hercules

5) White House Down
6) Conan The Barbarian
7) The Lone ranger

8) jack the giant slayer
9) After earth
10) Green lantern

11) 47 ronin
12) Mars Needs Moms
13) Cloud Atlas
14) Enders game

15) John Carter

I separated them in groups by their grade (0, 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/10).


I, Frankenstein [2/10 ] My excuse for watching is I was drunk when I decided to watch it. They did try to make a serious movie, it just came over like “Plan 9 From Outer Space” for me.
The Legend of Hercules [2/10] Maybe Kellen should have ‘sparkled’ in this dud to get the Twi kiddies into the seats (sorry I had to do a dig at Twilight somewhere on a list like this)
Green lantern [3/10] Ryan Reynolds can be a funny smart-ass character, but this movie was dreadful and I found him annoying
Cowboys and Aliens [3/10] Han Solo and James Bond were being tortured by Jabba and some Bond Villain here, I’m sure
Jack the Giant Slayer [4/10] Did not live up to my expectations. I guess, it just fell flat for me.
Conan The Barbarian [5/10] would have ranked it lower but it got bumped up just because of Jason Momoa
Pompeii [5/10] A Song Of Ash and Lava. It was meh. Watched it cause Kit Harrington (aka John Snow ) was in it
The Wolfman [6/10] I expected better than what I saw. It was too slow moving for my taste, but not totally dreadful
John Carter [7/10] I actually like this movie. It wasn’t great but it was an ok time waster to watch

Stopped before it ended/tried to watch but failed to finish - Speed Racer (probably would give it 2/10. From what I saw of it was just dreadful. I really didn’t like the style of it.
Could not force myself to even try watching/Did not want to inflict upon myself - Mars Needs Moms; Enders game; 47 Ronin; White House Down; Cloud Atlas; R.I.P.D.; After Earth; The Lone Ranger; Battleship; Oldboy


Enjoyed reading the reasoning behind your ratings. I think we all have a few we films on this list that we were duped into watching and few we will never bother watching. Its interesting to me to see that most people actually enjoyed John Carter even though it wasnt great- a 6 or 7/10 seems to be most peoples rating


Hmm, its interesting isnt it how films divide people. Some of the so called 'great' films, by both critics and box orifice, I don't like, example, Dark Knight, yet others, some on this list, I really enjoy/like.

After Earth
I tried to like this... It had an interesting idea, but the execution was just awful. The acting was awful

I, Frankenstein
47 Ronin
Cowboys and Aliens
These 3 films are, meh, films to me. They exist, and don't do anything. They are mildly enjoyable to watch but didn't leave me with any interesting thoughts or joy.

The Lone Ranger
Jack the Giant Slayer
Conan the Barbarian
White House Down
This group are decent films. People seem to bash the lone ranger, but as I have never watched the series and practically knew nothing about it, it was a mildly enjoyable mindless romp. Oldboy was a mixed bag. I enjoyed it more than the original, possibly due to the korean language (for some reason it grinds my gears, unlike Japanese and other oriental languages)

John Carter
Cloud Atlas
Enders Game
Speed Racer
All of these films hit the button for me. John Carter was great and does not deserve all the bad rep it gets.
Battleship, although stupid and mindless, is almost perfect at producing that stupid and mindless requirement. If you want to watch something with a bit of thought required, why watch explosions? but if your in the mood for explosions, then its great.
I thought Cloud Atlas was an amazing film when I first watched it, but subsequent viewings and extra thinking have made me wish it took slightly different directions, that would make it even more compelling and inter-connected.
Enders game was my favorite film from last year. I vaguely knew the story and it delivered. Ignore its couple of weaker points.
Speed Racer is one of those films that grew on me over time. To many its a stupidly bright film that annoys, but to me its a stupidly bright barrel of fun. Yes its camp, yes its pretty mindless, but its like a drug induced spectacle, without the drugs! Embrace the wacky colourful world!, rise from your dark and brooding bore-fests (Dark Knight im looking at you)

Just my thoughts. Many of these films require a certain mind-set, something it seems, that many people can not obtain. They would rather stick to a single exact formula rather than think about their state of mind and watch a film inline with it.


The real order of the OP movies, from worst (1) to best (20):

Really bad:
-1. Mars Needs Moms

So bad I didn't bother to see them:
-2 Speed Racer
-3. R.I.P.D.
-4. Oldboy
-5. The legend of Hercules
-6. Conan The Barbarian
-7. The Wolfman

Pretty bad:
-8. After earth
-9. 47 ronin
-10. Cloud Atlas
-11. Pompeii
-12. White House Down
-13. jack the giant slayer
-14. I Frankenstein

Not bad at all, really:
-15. Battleship
-16. Cowboys and Aliens
-17. Green lantern
-18. John Carter

Did not deserve to bomb:

-19. Enders game
-20. The Lone ranger (a near masterpiece)


Great Post!!

Sorry I did it backwards-#1(Battleship) is my Favorite/Best

-1. Battleship-9/10
-2. White House Down-7.5/10
-3. The Lone ranger-7.5/10
-4. Speed Racer-7/10
-5. Cowboys and Aliens-6.5/10
-6. I Frankenstein-7.5/10
-7. Oldboy-7.5/10
-8. The Wolfman-7.5/10
-9. R.I.P.D.-6.5/10
-10. John Carter-7/10
-11. jack the giant slayer-7/10
-12 Conan The Barbaria-6.5/10
-13. 47 ronin6.5/10
-14. After earth-5/10
-15. Green lantern-5/10


I pretty much agree with you especially on green was really bad. and RIPD was bad too.


Cloud Atlas does not deserve to be on the same list with the 19 others. I found 47 Ronin to be quire enjoyable and very visually beautiful.


I explained that the list is to rank box-office bombs in order of worst to best. I didnt specify that the films were bad, just that they werent profitable. Then I left it up to other posters to rate them as i am curious about which ones were just crap movies and which might be worth seeing.


I watched John Carter again and actually kind of enjoyed it. It is a bit campy, but its fun.

I also really enjoyed RIPD.

Box office bombs sure, but they aren't half as bad as people make out.


Cloud Atlas & the ORIGINAL Old Boy are cinematic masterpieces. everything else mentioned in this thread does indeed suck more than it rocks


Easy tiger. Cloud Atlas had some commendable bits, but it was grossly inconsistent and Old Boy is popular with college age kids because they think it's edgy.

One long take fight scene doesn't make it a masterpeice.
