the ending..

can someone just tell me how this ends??
i really wanted to see the movie but it wasn't playing anywhere near me. i read the book, and liked how it ended, but i was just curious if they changed the ending like they do in most movies.
thanks :) !

alpha phi cal poly
N~M~N 139


I really do love the ending of this movie. I think it's meant to end unexpectedly (not unlike the wedding itself) to make you think, and form your own opinion. People always want movies that are clear cut and explained to death, so they can know everything that happens. I like the unknown. I like being able to think of the "what-ifs" and create my own ending. For me, I see Laura and Tom together. I like the idea that love should be crazy, intense, spontaneous, and uncontrollable. I think Tom proposed to Lila knowing that from that minute on, he wouldn't have to choose anything ever again. Which seems okay until you lose your voice in the relationship. Lila needs someone who can give up all control to her. Tom seemed like that guy until Laura came back, reigniting the spirit in him. It brought back the fear of the "perfect night" that to me meant he was afraid that he would never be able to live up to (what he thought were) Laura's expectations. They are two souls meant to be together or they wouldn't have this back-and-forth, on-and-off struggle they have with each other. They push so hard to be apart knowing that it's not what their heart wants, and in the end they just let their hearts decide. That's my take on the movie, and I think it was a great film. A lot of people won't agree, and that's fine. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it sure is mine.


I liked this movie. I also thought it was engaging.
