MovieChat Forums > Winter's Bone (2010) Discussion > Might not be new, but makes you really h...

Might not be new, but makes you really hate 'rednecks'

Grew up in a city, been to country places like the Ozarks, but if people are really like that, you've got to really despise people like that -- who would ever hurt a young woman trying to help her family? As hateful as you can get!!!
If you really look at it, makes "Deliverance" look fairly tame (it ain't your family trying to kill you)...

Nothing clever as a signature -- don't need it...


I decided to look this 'Deliverance' up but i can't find anything. Yeah a movie, but i doubt you were referring to that.



These people wern't "rednecks," more like "really poor, trashy" people. They just happen to be in the country, making them "redneck" but I wouldn't call them that. Maybe "extreme redneck," because most rednecks I know aren't like that at all.


Serious as a serious heart attack. :p


The movie industry is very biased. Anything that makes it to the big screen is likely to make you hate rural Christian White folks.


What we see in the film are a methamphetamine gang who kill people with children in order to stay out of the federal pen. Not all (or even a significant minority) of rednecks are active, participating members of a criminal syndicate. Just like not all blacks in the ghetto are vicious drug dealers or inhuman monsters, or Italians in the suburbs are ruthless Mafia criminals.

Then again, if you commit that kind of villainy while being white, suburban, with an impish charm, then its okay. (That may explain the popularity of the Sopranos). But if you do ruthless acts as a redneck, then you really have to despise rednecks. (Or otherwise despise judgmental bigots/racists from the city...)


Watch Brothers keeper for a counter example. It's a documentary, incidentally, while WB is a work of fiction.

my vote history:


And the difference between them and, say, gangs in urban areas would be....what? At least the rural people have codes of don't hit women (unless they're related to them); you don't talk about relatives so as the law would get wind of it; you don't rat out relatives.

Gangs aren't known for not hitting their girlfriends or other women. They are bound more to the gang than their own families, in some instances.

But they're two sides of the same coin.


These people aren't rednecks. That word came about as an insult to people who worked the land. Farmers, laborers. They would get a red neck from the sun beating down on them, burning their necks as they worked with their heads lowered, looking down at the plants they were working on, planting or weeding or picking. These people are "mountain folk." They do not work farms. They are much more isolated, because of the barrier the mountains create.


The people involed were mostly white trash meth dealers.

To the OP, you really have no idea what the real world is like do you?


Great point about the isolation, but I had once heard a different etymology for the term 'redneck,' and I found a link (not academic) that seems legit and explains it well: m-redneck



It’s obvious you’re sheltered.
