MovieChat Forums > Taken 2 (2012) Discussion > Absolutely the worst camera work

Absolutely the worst camera work

How can anyone follow the fight scenes in this movie? The camera work was pathetic, in almost any scene that required following the characters the cameras were jumping everywhere. It's even worse than all of the Transformer movie fight scenes.

I hope whoever set up the camera shots in this movie never works again, because he/she doesn't know what they're doing.


Truly appalling. I had to stop looking at the screen in the so-called fight sequences after a while.


That's how most action films these days work. I, for one, find it annoying and very ineffective.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Am watching it on HBO right now. You know why the camera work is so bad? Liam Neeson did not shoot the scenes with Famke Jansen nor the daughter. In the second scene when Neeson goes to the house you will see some strange camera angles and then you notice the over the shoulder shots where Jansen is talking to a stand-in, and then Neeson is talking to a stand-in. Then the scene at the boyfriend's house -- Neeson did not film this with the other actors, he did it with stand-ins! There was a lot of editing and stitching together in post-production. And once you notice it in the early scenes you can't help but notice it throughout the movie. It is kind of mesmerizing since you will kind of pierce the fourth wall when realizing this is just a movie, to them just a job. Watch it again!




Finally people with common sense


I agree it was distracting and irritating.

But I kinda figured it was because Neeson is too old to do the fight scenes. So they had to do a lot of quick cutting to give the illusion of grace and speed when he was probably barely moving.

I give them a pass on it.....they made it work as best they could.

Proud member of the Facebook Let Me In group, DoYouLikeMe.proboards,


I agree. I had to pause the DVD a few times since it gave me a whiplash. Outright horrible camera work.

The images of Istanbul were crap too. I visited Turkey a few times and it's extremely pretty in Istanbul, but they took such horrible images. Even a 12 year old with an iPhone, taking shots for instagram can take better scenery shots than that. What the hell were they thinking? :/

Did they hire Turks to film the entire movie or something? It just off compared to the last one.
