MovieChat Forums > It (2017) Discussion > Questions about Confusing Plot Points (S...

Questions about Confusing Plot Points (Spoilers)

1. The blood in the bathroom. Why couldn't the adults see it? Was it real, and they were under mind control not to see it? Or was it fake, and the kids were under mind control to see it? They keep saying none of It's visions are real. So was this an exception to the rule and It sent actual blood up through the drainpipe?

2. If It eats kids, why were their corpses still intact and floating? If they were just in a trance like Bev was when they found her, wouldn't our heroes have wanted to try and wait for them to land and wake them up?

3. That was a pretty bold move for Bill to shoot his "brother" in the head. They don't know everything about It's powers and they had just seen floating kids' bodies in the air. It was possible It had the kids in a hibernation sleep and he was mind-controlling and animating the real Georgie's body who was still alive.

4. What happened to It's head at the end? Why did it look like it was disintegrating into confetti?

5. Did Bev kill her real dad or was that an It apparition? At the end we hear she's going to live with her aunt so it either implies she killed him and needs a new guardian or she just decided to get away. But either way, that seems like she got of that situation really easy at the end.

6. We're told that It requires making kids scared to be able to overpower them, but it seems just the opposite in some cases. Georgie wasn't scared enough of It and he trusted him enough to get in close. Bill was terrified of It in his basement but was able to run away from him successfully. Why couldn't It pursue Bill a little further? There doesn't seem to be a lot of consistency in when It is able or decides to kill.


I'm not writing long answers, but I'll give short answers.
1. Because Pennywise wants to scare children, not adults. It was just in her head.

2. I'm not sure, but since Pennywise is demon clown, I think it is his power to use, to turns into others and uses in their heads to take more children there, etc. he knows where he lives, what he loves etc.

3. Bill's brother sounds not like him and he had to admit himself that he's already dead, so he had to shoot him for sure.

4. I don't know, but if it wasn't a fantasy film, it would be more confusing. He probably lost his power in his head. But it would be a bit strange to see him alive again in chapter two.

5. She probably said it was self-defense and even if he wanted to abuse her. Or she did to look like it was an accident. I'm not sure, there were not many details of the explanation, I hope we will know more from chapter two.


1. The same thing happens in the miniseries. In that, Beverly cleaned away the blood once but it gushed out of the sink again. Her father could not see it at all, and Beverly thought she was going insane. In the end, she brings in the rest of the Losers to see if they can see it, they can, they all help in cleaning up the blood, and it never comes back.

2. I had to wonder that too. I figured that maybe it was a food store for its hibernation, but what gets me is that it would've been visible to anyone looking down into the grate from above, as you could see sunlight pouring through.

3. Bill saw armless Georgie rot away in front of him in his own basement earlier, so he had doubts. The bolt through the head was just to make sure. In any case, if Georgie were alive he would've bled out through his injury long ago.

4. That sort of bothered me too, it reminded me of Voldemort at the end of the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

5. I thought she'd landed a fatal blow as well.

6. If you remember, Pennywise made Georgie laugh, and children that age are more trusting, so it was his fatal mistake.


6. But Bill's whole plan is that if they refuse to be afraid of It, they can defeat him. Georgie was off-and-on afraid of him, but Pennywise's plan was to make Georgie comfortable enough to get him to come in close. Although maybe the concept is that Georgie only wants the boat because he's afraid Bill will be mad at him for losing it. So maybe Georgie being afraid of his brother is the fear It needs to overpower him.
