MovieChat Forums > Marmaduke (2010) Discussion > Lost all my respect for Owen Wilson

Lost all my respect for Owen Wilson

Owen Wilson isn't the best actor but he still had my respect. But now...... Yeah.
George Lopez is kind off worn out. Time to hang it up and give it a rest.


What about Macy?


I agree. I refuse to see any movie that he's in now. He had everything including a beautiful woman, Kate Hudson; then cheated on her with strippers and then slashed his wrists because she dumped him. What a freakin' loser he is!!

He's the only reason that I'm not going to see this movie!!


This movie looks like it's worth watching, and Owen was born for this role.


one day you will learn a harsh lesson from the karma you incurred by making that statement. best wishes to you and good luck.

ps- cant change karma by editing the internet. you wished him dead and it will never go away.



Wow, you're an ass. How would you like it if someone said that about you?
Karma's a bitch.
Rory: "Say something to make me hate you!"
Lorelai: "Uh, go Hitler?"


Owen Wilson probably received a 7 figures sum for standing in a booth and talking for what...Maybe 2 months.

He's a winner.


I think it's really stupid to judge a movie on an actor before you even see the movie. but to each his/her own


You're right. Maybe I spoke too soon.




I think it is pretty sad when people mention about Owen's suicide attempt. Would you like people to say they are better off without you if something happened to you? That is so immature. Wouldn't be so funny would it? Okay, so the guy hasn't made any movies to your liking. Get over it. If anyone thinks suicide is a funny subject, they need to get their heads examined. If you don't like Owen, fine. Every star is bound to make a movie someone doesn't like. No one is perfect. And if you think you are perfect, again, get your head examined.


I rather have Owen Wilson as a talking Car, than a damn dog that never spoke in the first place.


Great Danes are the dogs of kings. They are majestic, regal, and a tour de force. So, why give the voice such a trailer trash quality? It doesn't bother me Owen Wilson is the voice of Marmaduke. It's the trailer trash accent and vocabulary that doesn't work.


And Jack Bauer will be in this movie! Jack Bauer, the bad @ss agent on 24 will be doing a voice in this awful movie.

Those who refer to work as the highlight of their lives obviously don't have one.


This is a paycheck film. They happen all the time. All your favorite actors have done them.


That is what happens when you choose to put yourself in the public's eye. You can't change that unless you change the entire western culture so you should just get. over. it.

Who's feeling Peanutty?


Come on, he wrote Bottle Rocket and The Royal Tennenbaums and all it takes to make him lose your respect is a stupid kids' movie? I think he's earned more consideration than that.


Actors in Hollywood do so much in their private lvies to make themselves worthy or unworthy of our respect.

Don't lose respect for someone soley because his star is fading and so he takes money to do voice work. I doubt very many of us on here are so proud that we'd think doing voice for Marmaduke is so beneath our talents that we'd rather starve than lose the respect of our peers.

Owen has always been a talented and funny guy. When he shows up in bad movies, it's not entirely his fault. No actor looks at a script and says, "What a piece of *beep* but the price is right." Most actors go into their roles thinking that their film has the potential to be quality entertainment, regardless of how low-brow, high-brow, or adolescent the humor may be.

Lose respect for Owen because he cheated on his beautiful wife. Send him your thoughts and prayers because his clinical depression drove him to seek suicide as an alternative. But don't hate on the guy just because you hate this movie. If I hated an actor for being in a bad movie, I would have dropped my man-crush on Gerard Butler long ago.



nothing against Owen Wilson (haven't seen this movie), but if the Duke is gonna talk, i picture him as having a deeper voice.


The movie establishes that Marmaduke is a teenager, he's taking off the Elizabethan collar from his neutering as the story begins. Giving him a deep voice wouldn't have worked for the story, it would have made him seem too old, experienced, wise. The whole idea of the movie is that he's growing up and learning how to get along with other dogs, like a teenager in a modern high school. It was good to play it with a teenage voice. I thought Owen Wilson did a great job, his voicework really carries the movie, and he has to display a range of emotions throughout the film, joy, anger, sadness, love - it's quite a feat to do that just with your voice!


You had respect for Owen Wilson? Hahahaha



I don't think he "sold out." I think he was grateful to be a working actor, and I know he has really brought his own creative voice to most of the parts he has played. People who have worked with him, when they are interviewed, often mention how much improvisation and originality he brings to his roles - that he approaches acting with a writer's sensibility and he contributes to the process. Keep in mind that the reception Bottle Rocket got was undeservedly negative, he was probably worried about what his future held. But even then he had the confidence to do roles that might have been controversial and risky for the typical movie audience, like Minus Man, in which he acted so well and gave layers to the Vann character. I also don't think he ever sold out because he's kept faith with the sensibility of Wes Anderson's films, he's still loyal to the friends he worked with in the beginning, he still does small independent films that are not necessarily going to be mainstream hits, he never abandoned people to become a Hollywood person like some actors do. I never lost any respect for him at all, and I am glad he's doing well now.


I thought Owen, George and Bill Macy all did a great job. Some of you just like to be critical...



Even Laurence Olivier and Humphrey Bogart made some crap films.

