PG-13 Violence

I see a lot of people complaining about "watered-down" PG-13 violence in this film, and it really annoys me. While I do agree the rating system is ruining movies, I didn't think it was a huge issue here. First of all, it's based off of a young adult series, so of course it's going to be PG-13! That's the majority of the audience! Rating it R would've kept it from a large majority of its audience. And second of all, this is still a very brutal film, and the violence definitely pushes the rating. Especially the first few minutes of the games, which have a surprising amount of blood flow. But it saddens me that people have become so desensitized to violence that they feel like this film has to show every detail with blood spraying across the camera to be effective! In my opinion, the violence is still an integral part of the story here without being downright excessive, and I honestly didn't feel that the rating dragged down the film at all.


Some people who read the books before seeing the films feel that the PG-13 level of
violence doesn't have the same impact. I can understand that, but I'm with you. I
think they did a good job of retaining the impact while lowering the blood and guts.
And coming from YA novels there was never any question of doing R rated films. IMO
the novels overdid the violence for that audience.


The hunger games movies are NOT violent enough, I was one of the many people that were hoping the movies would go full Nelson with the violence but got disappointed when it was SUPER watered down
