Battle Royale Comparisons

Is anyone else tired of seeing Battle Royale on this forum when it's for The Hunger Games? Some people look at this for enjoyment and what other people say, not that people keep saying THG is a ripoff of Battle Royale.

"Because she came here with me." Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games




Yes, some people will insist on believing lies, lies, and more lies. Such as yourself.

Never say Never.


Are you kidding? There are at least as many of these threads asking if anyone else is sick of the BR threads, as there are actual BR threads.



The BR trolls are not THG fans.


They are not even BR fans.

Never say Never.


I actually saw the sequel (Catching Fire) movie at an advanced screening and was struck by the identical story and story-elements, along this the overall entire premise, and thinly disguised characters (changing name, sex, etc.) from the poorly-recieved sequel to the award-winning Japanese Cinema classic, Battle Royale.

This lead me to check out the 1st HG film and rewatch Battle Royale on Youtube and jot down a "few" of the duplications:

1. Decreed by the government

2. As a punishment for rebellion

3. A group of children must fight to the death in an arena, with a sole survivor

4. There is an instructional video

5. And a lady with an extremely high pitched voice and cheery disposition

6. The children are, for the most part, chosen against their will by a lottery

7. But some volunteer to compete

8. They have permanent tracking devices attached to them

9. And there’s nothing like the fear of being blown up to keep them on their toes

10. There are supply packs with survival gear and weapons

11. Although their contents could be a little more useful

12. The plot surrounds two main characters - 1 boy and 1 girl

13. With a history

14. People keep quizzing him on his love life

15. But he’s just pining after you-know-who

16. Even though another guy has the hots for her

17. The arena is a large forest

18. There are "safe zones" and "danger zones" in the (enclosed) arena.

18. They hide in a cave

19. Cave moment!

20. They are mentored by someone who had competed before

21. And likes to drink

22. There is a control center where the ‘gamemakers’ can track all of the competitors

23. The children receive regular updates as to who has died

24. Along with the occassional message of encouragement

25. The first person is killed by a knife

26. Someone gets shot with an arrow

27. The main boy becomes badly injured

28. A girl dies from poisoning

29. And one girl in particular seems to enjoy the violence

30. One crazy volunteer is the last foe they must defeat...

35. ...Who has the highest kill count

36. But is oddly attractive, despite the whole sadistic killing thing

37. Bird whistle signal

38. The boy and girl are the only survivors to make it home

39. The ‘gamemaker’ dies

40. Both have sequels in which the couple become targets of The Capitol after their victory in the games sparks a rebellion in the Districts of Japan/Panem

Also, as a student of Neo-Platonism, any reference to the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur or the Romani Gladiatorial games just won't fly. All that says is that the Author used elements, names, and phrases from Ancient Greece to dress up the story's framework to distinguish it from the source material which it so audaciously cannibalizes.


The book Hunger Games was published in 2008 and the film released in 2012. It shows a sophisticated society. Although it is impossible not to notice all the similarities with the Japanese film Battle Royale, released in 2000, eight years before. In this film, students are kidnapped in a excursion trip and wake up with a head-explosive-collar. They were selected to a life and death game with only one survivor or none at all. Each one receive a backpack with food, drink, lantern and one weapon or survival device. Each six hours they are informed about the dead and the danger zones to be avoided in order not to explode their necks. Alliances are made and death follows the smallest suspicion. Previous infatuations and enmities are explicit. Enfasis centers in the animal inside all of us and how thick is the civil layer of our personalities and our survival willingness. Hunger Games is much more complex, however it is possible to deny so many similarities


Alas, cultural thievery seems to run strong in the West at times (e.g Elgin Marbles, the Wicca movement). It’d be interesting to know if it’s as prevalent in others places around the world, or just a Western phenomenon. Cultural thievery does nothing to edify the people who stole it (’cause it proves that they can’t or don’t want to create genuine culture for themselves), and it does nothing to help the victims whom it was stolen from. Everyone loses out. It’s a shame.


Cannot stop laughing. They 100% deserve it. This is what happens when you get greedy.

It needed to be a trilogy. Can we finally stop splitting the final movies into 2 unless it's entirely necessary like with Harry Potter?

It really hurt the hunger games too seeing as Mockingjay Part 2 made less than 1 which made less than Catching Fire. Catching Fire was so good and they could have ended the trilogy with a bang but nope. That series will be forgotten.



oh Summeriris, the good old days, you used to pop up like a mouse on a crumb whenever Battle Royale was mentioned. As a super fan of Hunger Games, you talked more about BR than HG itself. And more about the plagiarism aspect, compared to enjoying and talking about the Hunger Games books/movies with like-minded "fans".

In fact, you didn't talk about the books/movies at all within these forums, never, only in response to people calling out the plagiarism. As if you only "activated" to defend this very topic, and "discuss" nothing else but this topic, along with your alternative accounts, who only happened to pop up to back up your rants and nothing else. Dead accounts with no activity until you were backed into a corner, then suddenly.........those account came alive within minutes. You came, then 3 others with barely any post history appeared out of nowhere to agree with you.

Add to that your constant manipulation of the report system, deletion of comments, and using your multiple accounts reporting every single negative comment against Susanne Collins.

Strange how so many comments get deleted when you are in the room. This thread is littered with many deleted comments, but yours still stand for some strange reason.

If Summeriris is in the thread, you can guarantee:
1. The discussion is about Battle Royale. Summeiris never talks about Hunger Games movies without Battle Royale being involved.
2. The majority of replies to Summeriris have been deleted.
(isn't it Summeriris or should I say Susanne?)

It's also very funny that your account went dead the week of release of the final Hunger Games instalment, you never once spoke about the movies themselves, never discussing the films. Strange that you were only ever here to defend Susanne Collins, your cohorts who backed you up disappeared at the exact same time, and after the checks stopped rolling in, your posts stopped D.E.A.D.

Susanne Collins is nothing but a hack and plagiarizer.


Another thing is the fact that both the older dude in BR and Haymitch from the Hunger games both fell in love with a fellow female contestant, who they both happened to comfort near death.........and were heartbroken over afterwards.


You know, if you'd stop replying to their threads (and stop making new threads complaining about their threads), or even ignore the authors of those threads, you'd solve most of the issues with BR suffocating the board, but people seem unable or unwilling to do that.



No 'was' is not the meaning of this thread.

Never say Never.



Well the arguement that BR was the ispiration for THG doesn't have any meat on it, what do you expect? It's a meatless arguement in the end.

Never say Never.




Since not one of us has even am ounce of proof as to whether or not she was indeed aware of BR, I think we have no right to continue say that she did, without a doubt, use it for inspiration. YES, there are many similarities, and because of that it's easier for people to say that she ripped it off than to take the other approach (the one that author said she used) where she was inspired from several sources that happened to lead to the same similarities. I can think of several places where should could have gotten the same ideas.

The fact is, Battle Royale is (was) not THAT popular, and it is highly likely that she had not heard about it until this mess. I see no reason whatsoever to not take her at her word. Those who continue say that 'she should just be honest' don't seem to really be interested in the truth, they are interested in getting the answer that they want.



At the core of my post this is my point. Not a single one of us, or anyone else, can prove one way or another. But since this 'war' was started (and for the most part is continued) by the people who will no matter what, and against all logic claim that they know for a fact that she ripped it off, those are the people that I have no respect for, and frankly think are idiots. Maybe that's mean, but they are the ones who don't care about the truth, they care about getting the answer they want.

Honestly, I would rather talk about the Hunger Games on this board...why? Because it was a great book, and great movie, and....oh yeah....that's what this board is about. We get it, there are lots of similarities, they have told us time and time again. Why feel the need to keep bitching about it? Honestly at this point it's probably just turning people OFF of BR because it's fans (or at least the crazy ones who come here to complain) are so annoying. (Same reason I distanced myself from Twilight....not that it is in any way as good as HG, but the books were entertaining at least....but I just can't stand the rabid fans)




Why would she admit to something she never did just to please you? She has publicly stated the she never read/saw either the film/book of BR and I have no reason to accuse her of lying. And if you don't have evidence that she did then you cannot call her a liar.

Never say Never.


Actually people can say whatever they like about eachother, weather it be true or false.


She has publicly stated the she never read/saw either the film/book of BR and I have no reason to accuse her of lying.
False. To date, Collons has made no mention of Battle Royale 2: Requiem whatsoever...


That's because she never heard of it, just like everybody else including the population of Japan.
Ah Dippy, your dream world must be so boring, You have been living in it for so long now. And it must be so lonely all by yourself.

I am the Queen of Snark, "I Shine, Not Burn".



I really don't know how much Battle Royale influenced hunger games but like Bollywood_Bonertime said the idea has been around since 2000.

The premise is cool, and I would love to see what can be done with it, but I personally just don't like the books or the movies, I tried reading them but couldn't get into it. The narrative was too simple and the characters got on my nerves. The books are intended for a dumbed down, slightly illiterate audience though so that's probably a large part of it.



The idea/premise has been around since Ancient Rome, that's a bit longer than 17 years. It's more like 2000+ years. Plenty of tiime for Japanese authors/film makers to rip it off.

I am the Queen of Snark, "I Shine, Not Burn".


The BR people would have a lot more credibility if they would limit their accusation to "Collins stole the central idea of Battle Royale". When they post things like "Hunger Games imitated BR from the from the first frame to the last", they just look stupid, because the beginning and end of Hunger Games focus on the character of President Snow, who has no counterpart in BR; furthermore the first third of Hunger Games has to do with the wierd cult of celebrity surroundings the tributes, which also does not occur in BR. Plus there is no sense in posting the sentence "Hunger Games is a ripoff of BR" over and over and over; it just looks like a couple of hackers spamming the site.







No she didn't. Your just bummed because her book is a HUGE success and BR is a flat failure. Yes I know, there is a group of about 3 BR fans in your home town and you all love it. Like I said a flat failure that ripped off an old movie called 'Wedlock'.

Never say Never.


You are an US-centric moron. BR was a HUGE success in its country of origin (aka JAPAN) and is a cult for otakus in all the world. All of it (manga, book, film).


Oh dear. I have to let you into a little secret, there is a big world outside of the door to the basement. That world has more countries in it than Japan. Now I know that you don't want to face it, but it's true. Now I come from one of those other countries, it's called Scotland and your little tantrum is not very impressive.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.




And an awful lot of people just see what they want to see.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


Oh dear. I have to let you into a little secret, there is a big world outside of the door to the basement.

The same basement i sleep with your mother.


I think you might find her grave a trifle uncomfortable and when she was alive, she would have been just too much woman for you. Also my father would have kicked you into the next street for trying.

I have to let you into another secret, I'm a grown woman and childish tantrums and insults don't work on me and simply reveal how very young you are.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


If You are grown then why are You arguing on the internet with "childish" people? This makes You look like more of an immature moron to them.


If you checked the dates you would see that I stopped arguing. Why bother when you are right...right.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so. And I have groupies, Atomic Girl said so.



And i was going to ask which part of "and is a cult for otakus in all the world" didn't you understand but you're too imbecile to get that other countries = all the world.


A lot of people know about Battle Royale, but because it’s an international book, it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as it should. That being said, enough people have noticed the similarities between the two novels that Collins had to make a statement saying she’s never heard about Battle Royale until her own book was turned in.


Nope, it's the same half dozen posters over and over again. We very seldom get anyone new doing it. After all you are in a tiny but vocal clique.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.
