MovieChat Forums > Downsizing (2017) Discussion > The second hour of this movie is absolut...

The second hour of this movie is absolutely horrible and boring

I feel this film can be partitioned into 2 parts, one is the first 1 hour and 10 minutes, another is the later part, where this Vietnamese woman and the whole eco-cult bullshit comes in.

The first part isn't bad at all, its funny. The second part is like a separate movie, as if these two parts were written by two entirely different writers. Extremely boring. First you got the income inequality agenda, where the bus goes through Leisureland (the rich) through middle class neighborhood and finally to the slum. Then you got the really really, super fucking annoying Vietnamese woman, still keep talking in broken English with a very annoying personality, not interesting at all. Then the Norway part, with the whole eco-green agenda, again, super boring.

And i cant help but thinking who the fuck would fall for that Vietnamese woman? Shes not young, not good looking at all, no bod, totally obnoxious personality, very poor. I mean WTF?! You'd think Paul who in leisureland and therefore "upper class" in the colony, could get much better chicks. If that's not a stupid cuck, i don't know what he is. Guy is absolutely an extreme pushover, how can a guy like this survive in the society?

I mean wtf? They should just stick to the plot of the 1st part. It would be an ok movie, not brilliant, but ok-ish as a comedy sci-fi drama. Now it's a horrible movie. The second part ruined it all. Not entertaining at all and so damn boring.


I agree - other than the dreadful performance by Christoph Waltz, the movie was genuinely inventive and fun until the action shifted to Norway. I could barely stand it from there onwards and only Hong Chau's engaging and funny performance kept me vaguely interested. 5/10 for the whole.


I have to disagree, this movie is funny. Although, it's technically not a "comedy" it has some funny scenes in it.

Its one of those movies that unintentionally funny. ***SPOILER***

Like for example, when Ngoc Tran asks Paul, "what kind of fuck you give me"? then scolds him for wanting to go down that hole. That was hilarious. And the scene where his wife decides not to go small.... damn... I was laughing my ass off over that. funny stuff...


Sure, it has a slightly mellow overtone to it because his life seems totally different after he "downsizes" but I really liked it. It's a 7.1 out of 10 from me. I would give it a higher rating but the film is kind of slow and again, it's not a comedy, which I think hurts the film slightly. More comedic scenes would have helped. But as is, I give it a thumbs up...


Yea, the second part was boring and rather heavy-handed. It was a complete contradiction of the tone of the first part. I don’t mind ideas expressed where I might disagree, but when it’s presented in a disagreeable manner, well, I am allowed to dismiss it then.

They could have at least paired Matt Damon with his movie star good looks with an attractive woman with a pleasant personality for the second part.
