Hal Jordan or John Stewart

who is the better Green Lantern?


This shouldn't even be a question

I'm no meteorologist, but I'm pretty sure it's raining bitches.
-Cleveland Brown


so in other words Hal Jordan, thedean?


yes, but on top of that i would say john stewart is the worst of all the green lantern's

I'm no meteorologist, but I'm pretty sure it's raining bitches.
-Cleveland Brown


are you crazy? the worst? yeah right. I like hal jordan but John Stewart comes in close second. I use to like John Stewart more because he was black but Hal grew after this movie came out.


Hal grew after this movie came out?
Not sure what that means...
Hal was THE Green Lantern for almost 40 years...
(love Alan Scott, but nobody counts the Golden Age anymore)

Hal Jordan has always been my favourite Lantern.
John Stewart is a cool character, I just resent the fact
that lately he's always the default GL since toy/comic/cartoon
makers want to colorize the JLA. Heck, I was almost in disbelief
when I saw they made a Guy Gardner figure for the DCU toyline.
They've gotten a lot better, releasing several alien
GL's as well.


i meant to say he grew on me after this movie came out.


john is a great GL. but of the earth GL's, the ranking would have to be Hal, Kyle (in light of recent events, Kyle is a VERY close second), John, Guy. if we are doing the whole corps, the 4 earth guys are up there, as are Kilowog, Mogo (c'mon, a PLANET as a GL? thats pretty sweet), Hannu, and Ke'Haan.

G'nort is hands down the worst lantern ever


John he is not a mass Murder .

Let's be fair, as cool as comics are (I used to read them all the time as a kid), they are like soap operas, with many storylines being dragged out or stupid.

The answer to the original thread's question is Hal Jordan ALL THE WAY.

I actually didn't REALLY get into green lantern comics until the 1st issue with Kyle Rayner. When I stopped collecting comics, he was still the main GL. So even though, in many ways, I grew up with Kyle Rayner, I have a LOT of respect for Hal Jordan, and of course Alan Scott.

If I had to list the BEST Lanterns, Hal Jordan, and Kyle Rayner would be in the top 2, followed by Guy Gardner, Alan Scott, Kilowag and others, John Stewart would be on the bottom.


Well #1, I HATE the fact that the ONLY used him in the cartoon for political reasons. #2, he is boring, in all the episodes of the JLU, he is so unbelieveably dry, he can put you to sleep. I heard that he has gotten better in the comics, but to me, Hal and Kyle are top 2,

Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t and Jack left town




Depends on your point of reference. If the DC Animated Universe is all you've been exposed to, there's so much more to see of John Stewart....but in the Comic Universe, he was pretty much a nobody.


Hal Jordan of course

🐱 *nya* *purr*


who is the better Green Lantern?

Guy Gardner: http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Green_Lantern_Vol_2_196


In my opinion, Hal Jordan. But John Stewart is a close second.


Hal Jordan.
