MovieChat Forums > The Whale (2022) Discussion > Strong men also cry. Strong men also cr...

Strong men also cry. Strong men also cry!

Seeing this movie at the top of the page pushed me to finally watch the thing, damn you MovieChat.

I can admit I was tearing up some at the end of the movie. At the same time I couldn't help thinking it would be hilarious if Charlie tipped over and landed on Ellie, taking her with him.

What is wrong with me?


I watched it with my brother and he said the same exact thing about her falling over and landing on I'm over to the right bawling my eyes out.


You probably have a dark sense of humor. I also like dark comedy, this movie is not exactly funny but it has a few moments that could have made for some pretty hilarious humor.

Although, the scene where Ellie makes Charlie get up and walk was kinda funny. Its amazing how some people let themselves get that big. Quite sad actually...
