Animal cruelty?

I read that this film contains animal cruelty can anyone tell me what it is and whether it says the cruelty wasn't real at the end of the credits (as it usually does with most films containing animals)?



I read the synopsis of this film and from what I read seemed a bit interesting. When I watched the trailer and I caught a glimpse of a scene where this boy is approaching this cat with hedge clippers, I was immediately turned off to idea of watching this film. I don't understand why these directors feel that they need to exploit animals in their films and blab that it is art. I find myself having to read numerous reviews before seeing many films now because I have unfortunately watched films unsuspecting to the possibility of any animals killed or badly injured. I can't watch things like that and I don't care if they are real or not.

I began to struggle with my developing tears and sobbing when I saw an Artificial Intelligent Brontosaurus that was moving and behaving like a loving pet in the film "Womb" because the child decided to bury it in the ground. What made it so difficult was that the A.I. dinosaur was still moving and speaking and appeared to be trying to escape as it was being buried. My fiance was like, "baby it's a toy". I told him that the way it was done was the director's way of still tugging at your heart strings even if it was purely pertaining to the sentimental value of the toy.

I can deal with Nihilistic themed movies as long as the tragedies, abuse and neglect only happen to the people. Even though the film the "25th Hour" wasn't Nihilistic, I was so moved by how the protagonist saves a dog that appears to have been beaten nearly to death (they never showed that happening it was sound effects in the beginning of the film with a black screen). Throughout the movie the dog is now his pet and is in great health living a great life thanks to the protagonist. That warmed my heart and for a rare moment this allowed me to enjoy a film without nervously holding the remote with my finger close to the stop button because of the possibility of too many films with Existentialist/Nihilistic characters feeling the urge to hurt and kill animals.


Sweety tha cat is fake if you see carefuly they have used a toy , one of these cats that the people have in the cars and they shake theirs heads up down? I found this clever..


I'm sorry but regardless to whether the animal is real or stuffed doesn't make a difference. When a movie simply suggest that such a heinous act is done is enough for me period. There are too many times that scenes like that come with no warning, but if I knew in advance I would simply avoid watching such films. By watching it would only make me stress out and cry uncontrollably.


You are a pathetic excuse for an adult. Stick to children's films in future.



Wow, grow up already


Wow, I doubt that you are still using the super slow obsolete dial-up even though you responded to my comment that was posted 4 YEARS AGO!!!! You actually have the audacity to tell me to grow up? You fail to see the irony in that brief statement you possibly even convinced yourself was your moment to shine in all of that fleeting glory displayed in that unoriginal remark. I would find it excusable and acceptable if this had truly been a technical glitch, but that is too far-fetched as it is plain to see that the only thing "slow" is you and you may want to stop drinking tap water that is so highly tainted with fluoride to avoid further damage that cannot be reversed---after all you can't fix stupid! Now I don't care to see anymore unoriginal comments from you or anyone else who would suddenly be trolling for kicks---so I will disable the notification feature. I would never tell anyone what to do as you may write what you please if you still feel like replying back 2 or 4 more years from now since you failed to exercise common sense by foolishly responding to my 4 year old post that had long been forgotten, however just know that I will never read it as this will soon be forgotten too and shall remain so. Now I'll leave you with advice that you desperately are in need of hearing/reading----GET A LIFE!!!!


Well that sucks. I can't stand movies with animal cruelty. Even if it is fake. I will always skip that part of the movie or close my eyes and plug my ears. I love animals not most people and don't mind the shock value of a lil' gruesomeness on their part... I'll check it out.

I chose not to choose life... I chose to choose something else...


Maybe the animal cruelty disclaimer appears in the credits; I don't know, because I don't read Greek. Anyway, in the DVD extras, the director explains that the cat was not harmed in filming and in fact was still alive at the time the interview was conducted.

I could personally tell that the shears were made of cardboard (it WAS a low-budget movie, after all) and the "dead" cat was a toy with stunt injuries.


Propmakers can make incredibly realistic fake weapons. Most likely they were hard rubber. No way are they going to use real shears at this budget level.


It's only "real" in the context of the film. I'm sure no cat was killed.


This is for everyone: If your major concern is animal cruelty, you shouldn't see this movie, because that's the least of the issues presented.


If you're a cat lover, I strongly suggest you do not google "cat scene from men behind the sun" and watch it. And if you do definitely take into account that it's fake, no it's not :(, and that it's just a movie depicting real events.

My top movies:


There is a vocal minority that believe the MBTS cat scene was faked. The theory is that the cat is mildly sedated and the rats are licking red-dyed honey off its fur. Watch it again with this in mind. To me it looks like the cat wasn't harmed.
