
The first episode didn't really grab me.

Disliked the assistant character. I hate people who pry into my private business and try to find out about my relationships, or, even worse, create innuendo about them. If I were her boss, she'd get one warning and if it continued, out on your rump.

Ms. Roark was okay, but nothing to make us forget Montalban. She lacks that air of mystery.

The cat fantasy didn't really work. Scientists tell us that cats have about the intelligence level of a two year old. That's not what we saw here. In fact, if cats were as intelligent in real life as shown here, that's terrible! There's no way we should be keeping them as pets!

The other story seemed off as well. The conclusion is that lifelong friends should separate? What? Whatever happened to working on yourself and stopping doing things that hurt your friend?

From what I saw I'll probably stop here. Don't really see a future for this one.
