MovieChat Forums > Grown Ups (2010) Discussion > Am I the only one offended by rape joke?...

Am I the only one offended by rape joke???

When the Kevin James character says that the last time he and his wife had sex she was I really the only one who found this offensive and unfunny?

All articles which are excluded shall be deemed included.



All this time I thought the joke was that their sex life was so boring that the wife fell asleep in the middle of the act. I didn't think he was taking advantage of her while she was asleep.




Lighten up. Damn.


To the OP's original post, I didn't laugh at the line, if anything kind of scoffed (lightly if anything). This kind of movie you cannot take anything serious. If anything it was to basically done to set the tone that the guys marriage was not in a "healthy" state and all.

I would say try not to look at it too literally, but come about full circle to how things ended up. In the end remember it's just a movie. No wives were sleep raped during the making of this movie... That said there were a lot of jokes in the movie that I laughed at and a lot I didn't. Humor varies which is just the nature of it.

I didn't find anything with the guy and his over the hill wife funny at all but just kind of rolled with it...


Usually with these "am I the only one?" questions, its usually a "no" but a brief look at the comments here would worryingly suggest otherwise.

It was an overwhelmingly offensive line.


Thank you so much for your comment!

Let Polly do the printing


To the OP, you getting 'offended' at an Adam Sandler movie is ridiculous. If you've seen any of his movies you know the type of humor you're in for. Masterpiece Theater, this is not.

Frankly, I'm offended that you're offended by the scene. Your offense is offensive.


But you don't know that he didn't have consent, you are only assuming that.



I take showers deeper than you blonde
