MovieChat Forums > Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016) Discussion > How do movies like this get a Greenlight...

How do movies like this get a Greenlight?

I'm asking in all seriousness. I have not seen the film nor do I plan to, as I find the premise absurd, but that's just me. I don't care that someone produces a movie that I find to be ludicrous, I just want to know how this is done? How does this happen? How are decent scripts passed over for movies like this or Jupiter Ascending, and on and on and on (the list is never ending). I can't wrap my head around this. You catch whiffs or hints of potentially great movies and/or plots, then they fade into obscurity and Hollywood fills the dead space with dung like this. Is the magic formula to take a classic book, and rip it apart, add several layers of ridiculousness, and then that makes it a hit? Can I just come up with oh I don't know, " The Count of Monte Cristo meets the Hunchback of Notre Dame all while attending Hogwarts fighting off nargles". (BTW - that's my idea - my idea, no stealing it!) I mean WTF - who picked this up and said - "WOW, a classic stuffy romance set to the back drop of Victorian England with, say what now, Zombies! Shut the front door *nameless genius scratches chin* Hmm The walking dead is doing pretty good right now, so I say let's run with it"! Is that how it goes down?


I enjoyed the heck out of it. I was expecting it to be mindless fun, but their was actually some cool and surprising developments in it.


I'm asking in all seriousness. I have not seen the film nor do I plan to,

This is a question that could be asked about the majority of movies.


The great thing is that this peace of crap was one of the biggest flops of the year. Only 15 million worldwide, its production cost was 28 million plus distribution and marketing costs.

So we hope that the idiots that greenlighted this garbage are out of jobs by now, and all the moronic fans of the book or the movie that posted here won't see the stupid stories they like filmed any time son.

Lets hope


Moronic? There really is no need to call people who disagree with you names.

How would you like it if I called you a snob and a jerk? Or how about an @$$hole? Would that be OK?


Well to call me an *beep* compared with me calling fans of this garbage moronic, will only show your level of education and preparation. That was already evident by your previous posts.


I would be very careful whose intelligence I challenge if I were you. And I don't think you've read all of my posts. If you had, you wouldn't have said what you did.


I would be careful how I answer a post if I don't want my intelligence challenged by a complete stranger, and really, I don't care at all about your posts.


IMO the person whose posts cannot reasonably be answered with “I’m rubber you’re glue…” comes off as the more intelligent.


That was the exact phrase I was thinking of.

GMTA and all that. 


It’s one thing not to like a movie but to actually wish ill will on the people who made it and the fans? That's just over the top.


" I have not seen the film"
See it first.


You haven't seen the movie but already determining it is "ludicrous" and "dung". While the premise may not be appealing to you, it doesn't make it unappealing to everyone. I myself haven't seen this, and am not a fan of ghoul. But I have found that even ghoulish can be entertaining recently. I personally love all the works of Jane Austen, and have read her books and see the movies, and all their various remakes. For some reason I do not see Jane Austen herself getting upset over this had she lived in this day and time. I think she would have been the first in line at the theater and had a good laugh.

I must say I find reviews by people who haven't seen what they are reviewing incredibly presumptuous. An opinion based on nothing. Okayyyyyy. Hmmm. What is wrong with THAT picture?

Exactly what is wrong with having a bit of fun? Must we all get up in the morning and slip into the same stuffy shirt? You remind me of an art school here in Cha****a that does not consider anime as an art form. I couldn't believe they actually believe that! Noses in the air, they would have sniffed at some of the greats had they been born in contemporary times, such as Matisse, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cezanne, Degas, and other great impressionists painters striking out against the status quo. Or even abstract artists who for decades did not have their art considered to be art.

Amanni3968, you should slide off that high horse of yours once in awhile. And if you are going to do movie review on this, at least go look at it. You won't be struck blind. Promise.


More women beating up men.Brainwash continues.


"I have not seen the film nor do I plan to,"

That's the end of any relevance to your view.
Nothing you said afterward matters in ANY way. I have not seen the movie either and while I am not a zombie fan, to question a theatrical setting, that you have not seen, simply based on the title is juvenile


Pride and Prejudice is a fantastic book. And, this movie is an insult to it. I watched part of it because of my love for the book. Jane Austin is rolling and screaming in her grave. This movie is insulting to her genius. They think they're being clever by weaving zombies into a beloved book. It's not clever, though I must say that Matt Smith was great as their cousin, the minister.


I think she'd be amused, she enjoyed spoofing other author's and I think she'd appreciate being so popular after 200 years that others are spoofing her.
