Why did Quinn get the house?

When she cheated on him for a year, why did he end up screwed and sleeping in a basement?


Sadly, the system is geared in favor of women when it comes to divorce.


The cheating element is irrelevant to the terms of a divorce.


He chose to leave, consistant with his non confrontational personality. As Quinn stated he "shut down, as always". He doesn't like to deal with problems head on.


You know that the sleeping in the basement part is Judd staying at his parents' house/his childhood home for the purposes of shiva, right? I don't know how someone could watch the film and not understand that.


Actually it does show him sleeping in a crappy possibly basement apartment when he takes the call from wendy to tell him "Dad is dead"


Ah, maybe. I'd have to watch that scene again.


The crummy apartment could have been his temporary quarters while the divorce gets sorted out. The final state of their house has not been decided yet.


I'm sure after what he witnessed in that bed, he didn't want to sleep there anymore.


Also it's pretty obvious that his job was also over the minute he found his wife in bed with his boss. So considering he doesn't even have a job, he wouldn't have money to make the rent or even temporarily stay in a nice place. I agree it goes with his character that he picked up and moved out instead of forcing her to leave.

Higgins was right.


Also it's pretty obvious that his job was also over the minute he found his wife in bed with his boss.

In the book, he's offered a hefty raise if he keeps his mouth shut about what happened and responds by clocking his boss with an office chair. And the actual "walking in on them" scene is a masterpiece of pain, irony and biting humor, with an ending for the ages. The mental image of it still makes me laugh.

My people skills are fine. It's my tolerance of morons that needs work.


They were not divorced yet. He just left out of anger.
