Horry (Timothy Olyphant)

Maybe I missed it, but was it ever mentioned exactly what happened to Horry that caused his brain damage? And why he and Tina Fey's character never worked out?


When Wendy was 20 they were an item and they got in a car wreck that left Horry permanently brain damaged but she wasn't hurt. She's still in love with what they had before the accident, and has something similar to "survivor's guilt". Even though they both survived, her life went on with a husband and two kids, etc., whilst his remained the same. He was still working the same job and still living with his mother across the street because of problems with memory and confusion. This was the saddest part of the film for me.

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"


To me it was the most intriguing story line and they spent the least amount of time on it.

When she drove away at the end I felt so bad for him. Has to stay there forever and just live the same life day to day.


To me it was the most intriguing story line and they spent the least amount of time on it.

Yes this was maddening. Too many characters and storylines. They should have really focused on Tina and Jason and fully develop those characters and those of their paramours. That is a heartbreaking story re. Wendy and Horry but there wasn't enough of it for me to really care.


A terrific cast, but just too many characters to properly develop. Fey and Olyphant wound up getting short-changed. They did well with what they were given, but that was much too little. I wish their characters could have been better integrated into the ensemble.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


> I felt so bad for him. Has to stay there forever and just live the same life day to day.

Yet, he is brain damaged and gets confused easily. Having a menial job in a town where nothing changes from day to day and a nice place to live is very comforting.

He is happy to live with his mom and her special friend. We peeked in the window near the end of the movie and saw the three of them as happy as ever.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


...and he got the best line in the movie. "Did you guys not know about that?"


Yup. So sad about this part


I bawled my eyes out when she drove away at the end. The look on Timothy's/Horry's face just absolutely killed me.

Did anyone else have a hard time figuring out who Horry and Linda were, exactly, for about the first half-hour of the movie, though? I thought Linda was their mom's or dad's sister, and Horry was then their cousin, especially because he answered the door at their house. He was already in their home, so I assumed he was a family member with some problems that prevented him from actually going to the funeral. I also assumed he was a cousin because he worked at the family store, à la Ira Buchman in "Mad About You". It was only midway through when Tina/Wendy or someone mentions that Horry and Wendy were H.S. sweethearts (and when it became clear that they in fact lived across the street) that it all fell into place for me.


I don't think the movie was obligated to tell you who they were right away. Rather, the movie chose to let the story unfold over the course of the movie. Which it did.


Yup it took me a bit as well, it was confusing because he wasn't at the funeral/ shown at the funeral. Or I just missed him.


Same here yes.


He did a great job in this movie, it was a different role for him.


I have always thought that Tim Olyphant was such a underrated actor, he happens to be one of my favorites b/c he's got such a versatile acting ability. I wish he starred in more movies, as a leading man (he's definitely got the looks and acting chops to do that). I just finished watching my show Justified, it was the series finale; I just can't believe I wont' see him on my television each week anymore, I have always adored him. I also love him in action pack movies and thrillers. Tim Olyphant has just a GEM! I would love to see him work w/Clint Eastwood - damn they would make a great movie together, especially w/Eastwood directing and also starring in it w/Tim. They both got that swag. (lol) Yes Tim is definitely a favorite actor of mine, I'm glad people saw another side of him acting wise and agree he did a fantastic job. HE ROCKS!


If you ever get the chance see The Safety of Objects. His role in that is very different and very touching. This will also tear at your heart.


I'll have to see that movie. I like T. Olyphant in Go, Catch and Release and A Perfect Getaway.


He's a very versatile actor, can play the crazy, the stoic hero, brain damaged, whatever, and he always seems real. But what had me confused was his character's name! Ari, Hahri, Hoarie, Orrie--the pronunciations were all over the map!


Did they ever mention who was driving? I wondered if Wendy was driving (the front passenger seat is the 'death seat) and that's why she asked him, "Do you hate me? I would."


She asked him if he hates her because she left town, met Barry and married him and had kids with him knowing that Horry was her soulmate. I don't think she was driving or caused the accident, that's not what she feels guilty about, she feels guilty because she feels she should have stayed with him.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


Yes, in other words, she felt guilty she left despite.. something else was mentioned in the film. Horry did something "in the kitchen" after the accident (presumably lost his temper and got violent), and knowing he would never be the same, he wanted her to have a normal life.

Horry: I never would've let you stay. You were 20 years old. I wasn't gonna be the guy who kept you here.

I loved their story the most.

The owls are not what they seem.


Yeah, in the book, when they were younger, she tried to stay with him but there was an incident where he pushed her or threw her across the room or something like that, he lost his temper because he was so frustrated that he wasn't the same anymore, I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly but I think he shut himself away from her after that. Their story was the most interesting and heartbreaking imo.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


I wish that their story had more focus on it. I definitely wish that it had a more solid resolution as well.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I guess I missed where they were a couple in the past although I could see the looks between the two of them I don't think they made him clearly brain damaged. the oddest thing about him was his weird hair. people with real brain damage forget things, I can't think of words they want to say, some problem walking or with their mobility, etc. It is obvious.


It's indicated a couple of times in the movie that he forgets things, like he says that's why he can't move out of his mothers house, because he forgets things and then there's the scene where Wendy finds him in the garden with a wrench and he can't remember what he wanted it for. It was made perfectly clear he had suffered a head injury that impaired him mentally.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


Out of all the varied characters, Horry was the one that wasn't much more than a big cameo, but a very intriguing one. I initially thought the jokes/remarks about brain damage related to earlier drug use, until we later find out about the car accident and both its physical aftermath and psychological legacy. Olyphant is beginning to give both Guy Pearce and Tilda Swanton runs for their money, in the taking up of off-beat, semi-disguised, stand - out, supporting roles.🐭


I was fascinated by Horry, and yes, I wish more time had been spent developing his character and the relationship with Wendy (Fey). Timothy Olyphant looked soooooo familiar, and then I realized he had a major part in the series Deadwood with Ian McShane. Olyphant is handsome and a great actor.


If you like Timothy Olyphant you should check out Justified. It just ended after six seasons this past Spring.


I think it would've been more interesting if they just focused on Tina Fey's storyline and one of the other brothers (not the one with the baby obsessed wife).


The rest explained it, but I really liked how they played it, to be fair.

It was heartbreaking, sure, but who could have blamed her? He made a choice, a difficult one, she was young, but life caring for someone is quite a journey.
