MovieChat Forums > Ahsoka (2023) Discussion > ANYTHING Disney touches turns to shit

ANYTHING Disney touches turns to shit

Any film project Disney touches at this point turns to shit.

It's like the Midas touch in reverse. Clone Wars was a great show and created a great character Ahsoka. That doesn't mean every film or TV about her is going to be great.

And if Disney is involved, that's a guarentee of shit. It's like the Nintendo or Sega Seal of Quality. Only the Disney Seal of Quality is only one guarentee = A Guarentee of Shit.


Disney Derangement Disorder. So much triggering!


Having my own opinions and not automatically injesting everything a giant Movie mega-studio spoonfeeds to you...

What, I'm not allowed to dislike a disney product?

I have to be a mindless fanboy ? Just automatically accepting whatever they produce, so I can fit in with a bunch of zillenial "Stans" for Disney ?

Let me make a guess that you Disney fanboys love Drake and Taylor Swift too?
Oh, because they're amazingly talented and original! (That was sarcasm)


I assume you mean mostly Star Wars. Because Inside Out 2 was really good.

As for Star Wars, the sequel trilogy was mostly crap. Solo was mostly crap. Obo-Wan also mostly crap. I started Mandalorian twice and could not continue. Have not tried Boba Fett, Ahsoka, nor Acolyte.

Their only saving grace has been Rogue One and Andor.


No one could even name a single character from the "Force Awakens" trilogy . I can't even remember the main girl... Oh yeah, "Rey". Terrible science fiction name. May as well named her "Blast" or "Zap"


Come on...

I am sure millions can name many characters. Too hyperbolic.
