MovieChat Forums > Jack the Giant Slayer (2013) Discussion > Is this okay for a 4year old?

Is this okay for a 4year old?

I'm babysitting today, and there aren't any good children's movies out right now in theatres, so I was thinking about this one. It's not animated, but will it hold a child's attention, and its not too violent is it?


its violent, just not a lot of gore.

There is a scene where Jack's junk is hanging out and he's flapping it in the wind. AND since it's in 3D, it made the flapping more in my face.

but really, it's okay for kids. Wouldn't even consider it directional crowd to be above 18 years of age.



It depends on how smart the kid is and if they will get terrified by the giants and danger. If the kid can't truly separate fantasy from reality, then I wouldn't take them.

It's a gamble.


1) No, this is not appropriate for a 4 year old. I have one and wouldn't take him to see this movie.

2) A 4 year old should not be seeing a 3D movie. No child under 6 should go to a 3D movie because their eyes aren't developed enough for it and it could cause harm to the eye.


No child under 6 should go to a 3D movie because their eyes aren't developed enough for it and it could cause harm to the eye.
Source please?

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


Thanks to both of you! I knew I would get a response quickly for the evening show, and youre replies made me go see it. We both enjoyed the movie, the only thing bad was all the stabbing with the knives, which I had to keep looking at her to make sure she wasn't getting scared. Other than that, it was easy to follow, and entertaining.


Was the kid intrigued by the giants and the whole idea?

I recall being fascinated by the whole beanstalk idea when I was little.


So pretty much you ignored what they both said? lol

Last seen: Side Effects(9/10)


"Pretty much"? I think you spelled "exactly" wrong xD


It's a little too violent for a 4 year-old. Wait a few more years.

Here it comes
The unavoidable sun
Of what's just happened
And what's been done


WAY WAY too violent for a 4 year-old. The kid will have nightmares for sure. Those giants will be very scary to kids and there's a LOT of scenes of them eating, killing and biting heads of off people.


Guys, they already went to see it.


Hush! Just relax, sit back and enjoy this.




Im pretty sure someone having the same question will appreciate the input, even if its blatantly wrong like in the case of person you replied to.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


What is wrong with everyone here. I watched Chucky, It, Candyman and other movies when I was six years old. Too scary? Try watching those movies. I'm fine. I'm not a psychopath. I didn't have a lot of nightmares as a kid (no more than any other child). My daughter is only 6 months old right now, but I would totally let her watch this if she was 4 years old. It isn't Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It is nothing like the ones I saw and probably shouldn't have until I was like 10, but at the same time... children are a resilient bunch. You can't shelter them from the world. We don't live in a glass bubble. I started playing violent video games when I was 6 or 7.. starting with Wolfenstein and Doom. I'm thirty now and I haven't killed anyone.

What happens if your child gets scared? You comfort them. You tell them its okay. That it isn't real. Its a part of growing up. It is fun memories and stories for them when they get older. "Oh man, that terrible Jack the Giant Slayer movie scared the crap out of me when I was a little kid haha". It won't hurt them.

We drop bombs on children every day in other countries. They should be worried and scared. Who cares about a movie that isn't even close to being bad? Sheltering children does NOT prepare them for the real world.


You do sound confused though. You would let a child of 4 years old watch this violence? A Hollywood fantasy is not the world. It's a movie. The child isn't missing out on the real world in not being subjected to a film directed at an older audience. You're argument that this would somehow prepare a child for the real world is strange. Subjecting children to fantasy violence is not preparing them for the real world.


there was no violent games 25 years ago(when you were 6~7)! back then the games were like 8bit!:p
doom is for 1993


The giants also stomp a horse! I like this movie a lot, but I found that part a little disturbing.

"Angels to some, demons to others..... Now you must come with us!"


I am shocked! If you were my babysitter you would be fired. This is NOT a film for a 4 year old child.


Would you consider it OK for a 7-year old ?

The marketing has been all over the place for this one.

Some of the material made it seem really kiddie-oriented, while some of the other promos make it seem more like a teen flick...

One of the most confusing marketing campaigns of recent years.


Reference taking a 7-year-old child, I took my 8-year-old son and he was hiding his eyes at times, but enjoyed the show. There are many scenes where people are hurt, killed and bitten, but the gore is kept to a minimum. There are also scenes of chasing, fighting and war. If your child is sensitive and has nightmares, I wouldn't take them to see this movie.


WOW i can't believe all the negativity because a 4 year old saw it. . . This is the perfect action film for a 4 year. Gives them the excitement and energy. There is no gore in it, just some fake cheesy fighting. It is a child's bed time story to begin with. Just has a twist to it. I can list a ton of recently released action films NOT to go see and compared to them, this is perfect for a small child to watch.


I was sitting in bakc of a black familty and they had 2 or 3 kids and kep t on talking, etc. But near the end when the Giants seized the castle and after they got plugged with arrows (great scene too) by the defenses of the castle, the kids suddenly screamed and cried, they had to get out of the theater. :)

I believe in Christopher Nolan.


I would say seven if your seven year old no longer crawls in bed with you or cries after nightmares. It does get intense at times but it is a fun story for kids and the giants can be very menacing, they also are humorous.


Couple scenes of cannibalism to worry about. One giant bites the arms (possibly more) off one person. Another giants bites the head off another guy during the climatic battle, then throws the rest away. One person is eaten, done off screen.

Violence is pretty intense, a little graphic. If your child can handle that and a giant that gets rather graphic demise (one head crushed/body exploded, other things happen to this ONE giant). If you think your child can handle these without nightmares. It's up to you.


another troll goes hungry

"Why are you the way that you are?...I much about the things that you choose to be..."


That reminded me of a friend I had said that when she was about 3 her babysitter took her to see Jurassic Park. She had nightmares for like a month.


It's rated PG-13 for a reason. Therefore probably not good for a 4 year old.


It's definitely wrong for a 4-year-old. Most of the actual violence happens off screen. They cut away just before death blows land, for example. And I have a feeling they edited the audio to get their rating. There's a joke scene where a man is being rolled up in dough by a giant and a out to be baked. Beside him are two hogs or pigs, also alive and wrapped in dough. (Pigs in a Blanket is the joke). The giant skewers them, but we don't see it or hear it. There are other images though. We see a giant bite the head off a man and we see the headless body in his hand. We also see a giant being horribly burned in a moat filled with flaming oil. We see dead bodies having fallen from a great height. We see giant killing people. We see and hear a guy getting smashed underfoot. We see a stabbing. We see character murder other characters. So it's not a safe movie for little kids.


7 and above. 4 is too young.

This movie is rated PG-13, by the way.

-- just say NO to trolls --


Thanks a lot for all your answers.


I took my 10 yr old and had I seen it ahead of time, I wouldn't have taken him to see it. It was a lot more violent and intense than I thought it was going to be from the commercials. I can't imagine taking a 4 yr old to see it.
