MovieChat Forums > Cyrus (2010) Discussion > hello, this is exactly like

hello, this is exactly like

STEP BROTHERS ok not exactly like, but its similar, surprised no one is making that connection. especially with John C. Reilly in it


Reminds me of smash comedy hit JINGLE ALL THE WAY!

hypocrisy, brutality, the elite
All of which are American dreams


It is clearly also a blatant rip-off of "Hellraiser 2 - Hellbound"


I haven't seen the trailer but it reminds me of that one movie where there's KARATE and a KID. Dances with Wolves.


Scene for scene remake of 'Cannibal Holocaust.'


I have seen it, and it was exactly like Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo.


I havent seen it but my mom says its just like that David Lynch movie.You know,the funny one.


I haven't seen it yet, but it reminds me of a Kafka-esque version of It's Pat with more existentialism.


I was as if The Big Lebowski and The Little Mermaid were spliced.

Go spit Riggs!



I also havent seen the film, nor the trailer, nor a billboard of it (but i have heard the title "cyrus" being spoken by a friend), and it definitely ripped off "Death of a Salesman", the Dustin Hoffman version, which i also havent seen

LOST SPOILERS , IN THE ENDINGit was about the characters and purgatory


Haven't seen it either. But it reminds me of a story someone told me about that fat actor, Jonah Hill, and how he looked like he had some burn scars.


I haven't seen it but it reminded me to watch it again.


I haven't seen it but it reminded me exactly of my step brother, Frank.

Hi Frank!


Well I HAVE seen it and it reminded me of "Cyrus"........
Oh and it also reminded me of "Citizen Kane"....
If you look closely at the end, in his car, Im almost
positive John C Reilly mumbled ......"Rosebud" .....


I haven't seen it, but my brother said it was a scene by scene remake of Frank Zappa's 200 Motels.


After another watch its obvious the new Mad Max movie

o.O| He Knows no Fear.He knowS no Danger.He knows Nothing. |O.o


I haven't seen it either but it kind of reminds me of that Tom Cruise movie. You know, the one with him, Charlie Chaplin, R. Kelly and Sarah Palin. I think it was called "Duck Soup". I definitely saw the connection, especially when John C. Reilly came on-screen.


I haven't seen it, no wait i have, but I don't think he got a chance to finish up before his ex-wife interrupted him. Surely he would have aimed for anywhere but the screen, that stuf is hard to wipe off properly.


They should have just called this film "Treasure of the Sierre Madre", since it's practically the same movie.

"The truth 24 times a second."


Haven't seen it but it reminds me of "Enron: The Smartest Guys in The Room".
(In fact the openings are the exact same frame-for-frame.)


I haven't seen it yet, but have you heard that the sequel is due out next year? It's gonna be called 'Kung Fu Panda 2'.


I haven't seen it yet but it reminded me of The Cannonball Run II.


i heard it was the 3rd kill bill


I always get this movie mixed up with "White Chicks".

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This felt like a cross between "My Cousin Vinny" and "Short Circuit 2" minus the Indian fellow.


Did anyone else notice the connection to "Fight Club"?

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Thought it was gonna be like Young Guns, but unfortunately it felt more like Young Guns 2


Thought it was gonna be like Young Guns, but unfortunately it felt more like Young Guns 2



I have seen it, and it is exactly like Blood Diner.


I have seen it, and it's just like that movie where the King has a stammer.

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