MovieChat Forums > Cyrus (2010) Discussion > Marisa falls for loser . . .right

Marisa falls for loser . . .right

A doofus drunk John Reilly gets Marisa Tomei to drool for him by leaking on a tree. He obsesses and stalks. She finds it endearing that he's standing in her living room one day unannounced. Schmoopy, I want to spend the rest of my life etc., Marisa melts for this maudlin nonsense because it's been a while and apparently she has turned 17 in that time, things work out, The End. Put a bullet in my head please.


I found it odd as well; I was under the impression that Marisa Tomei preferred short, stocky, bald men like George Costanza.


Well, you've hit on the particular role that Tomei has been specializing in for awhile: as the love interest of less-than-appealing men.

This movie targeted the typical male fantasy that even the average Joe has a chance at (or as one likes to believe - deserves) a relationship with the 'it' girl. That is provided she has some token perceived flaw, like having an adult son, to give the relationship plausibility.

Even a schlub like John, with his Larry Fine hair styling, gets the hot chick in the movies.

Auto-Tune is not a genre, please stop treating it as such.


i don't think he was a loser. john's character was depressed, but he's a professional, he earns enough of a living to keep a roof over his had and run a car, plus he was a kind and giving person towards her. women love that last bit, and will go for a man punching above his weight if he's a good egg.

i think she may have looked beyond him being in her home unannounced because she would have seen that as she was repeatedly sneaking off into the night, he would have to check that she wasn't hiding something big. like a husband. also i agree that she had her own baggage which made her more tolerant.


I just wanted to remind you to renew your membership for the Watching Movies to get Angry Club. I think they expire around about now.


She has had a lot of these roles lately, hooking up with Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler, Philip Seymour Hoffman in that other movie, and now John C Reilly in this. I'm grateful to see her in so much, but I don't know who got the idea Marisa Tomei was a match for all these guys. She is way, way, way too attractive for any of those relationships to be believable. Actually when I think about it she has always had these types of roles. She was with Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny, absurd. So technically she is moving up I guess, you can't get worse than Pesci, and at least John C Reilly is tall.


You see plenty of fugly dudes with Hot fine ass women. The character Marissa plays is also a bit quirky and odd, so it makes perfect sense.


I don't see him as a loser but, curiously, few films would do the opposite:plain, supposedly unattractive, socially awkward women who win the heart of a hunky guy. That's sexism IMHO.


In real life, many girls/women end up with a guy that doesn't seem on the same level as them to others because they tend to look for things on a deeper level of that guy than guys do when they consider dating/marrying.

They are also more able to see potential and are usually pretty optimistic about changing a guy. And then, too, they often undersell themselves and grab what's available for the security of the relationship, rather than risk waiting.

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.
