MovieChat Forums > 47 Ronin (2013) Discussion > Real events regurgitated as fantasy frea...

Real events regurgitated as fantasy freak show.

Imagine the Japanese made a movie about a famous real event in American history, which have become part of popular culture and it's been made into books and movies before. Let's say the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral...

But then they think the original gunfight was not interesting enough, so they insert a bunch of magical creatures, demons and witches into the story.

Since that is not enough, they also make up a fictitious Japanese guy at the center of the action and make him the protagonist and hero.

What would you think of such movie?
I'm not Japanese and I felt insulted by this movie. I wonder how people in Japan felt when they saw this.

The 47 Ronin were real people. The real story of their final battle and their death is one of bravery and honor. Their graves are still revered in Japan. Whether you agree or not with their beliefs and principles, the real story is fascinating.

I don't understand why this movie had to be turn into such a freak show.
And why they had to put a magical European guy at the center of a story that worked perfectly the way it happened.


I agree with you there. I was prepared to watch the movie, even tolerating all the cliches and suddenly....bam! this fantasy beast appears, and I was like, WTF..?!

It was pretty hard to take it seriously after that :(



Eloquently stated, sir. I concur.


I fully agree with you on this. The film makers have brought shame on themselves by insulting Japanese culture and what it meant to be samurai. Maybe they should even considder seppuku to restore their honor.


You've made me want to see a movie with Civil War battle scenes with fighting Bigfoots (who make Wookie-like calls), Flying Salem Witches and Babe the Blue Ox led by the North's Commander Johnny Appleseed who has the power of growing apple trees at an exponentially fast rate. Write up that screenplay!



The so-called ronin's mission was to expel "barbarians" or Westerners from Japan.

I'm sorry the Coen brothers don't direct the porn I watch. They're hard to get ahold of, okay?


I concur with your thoughts.

A telling of the real story would have been "new" to most of the world. Inserting Keanu Reeves and tales of "witchcraft" and mythical beasts kind of dishonored the main story of samurai claiming vengeance for the wrongful death of their lord. The movie felt like a group of kids was turned loose with a special effects machine and they spent the next 2 hours playing with it.
