Worst film of the year

For some strange reason, I watched Bobbleheads: The Movie today. No, I was not intoxicated or under the influence of any questionable substances. I wasn't even forced to watch by a small child, I actually watched Bobbleheads: The Movie willingly! It is a poorly animated, derivative film with groanworthy dialogue that sounds like it was written 20 years ago. The story is not very interesting and the characters are not well developed. There is a bizarre bobblehead romance shoehorned in and a half hearted, muddled message about working together or being yourself or something like that. Cher does have a small, somewhat amusing cameo and there is a reasonable cute baby at the start and end of the "movie". Bobbleheads: The Movie is one of the stupider films I have seen and is not as cute or as funny as it needed to be. Skip this one, unless you have a perverse fetish for bobbleheads or are trying to punish yourself for some gross offense. Bobbleheads: The Movie must be the worst film of 2020. My rating is a 3/10.


Everything you said here sounds like the exact reasons why I would watch this. I love me some bad movies.
