MovieChat Forums > Glee (2009) Discussion > favorite characters

favorite characters

who were your top ten glee club members on the show?

mine are:

1. Quinn
2. Puck
3. Finn
4. Santana
5. Sam
6. Rachel
7. Kitty
8. Jake
9. Brittany
10. Blaine


1. Kurt
2. Puck
3. Blaine
4. Santana
5. Finn
6. Sam
7. Brittney
8. Artie
9. Tina
10. Rachel


I'm nearing the end of season 2. So far my favorite characters are, in order:

Coach Beist or however you spell it
Mike Chang
Kurt's dad

I don't really care for any of the characters, but if I have to choose I pick these guys. Quinn is definitely the more interesting character. Blaine is hands down my favorite though


Blaine will always be favorite too!


1. Ryder Lynn
2. Finn Hudson
3. Sam Evans
4. Blaine Anderson
5. Artie Abrams
6. Will Schuester
7. Jake Puckerman
8. Spencer Porter
9. Elliott Gilbert Aka "Starchild"
10. Mason McCarthy

Ryder has always been my favorite. I always felt that he resembled a young Finn; he was the football quarterback, was very popular, and possessed a similar personality. I always enjoyed watching his episodes and was upset that he never returned to the show until the series finale.

I realize that there are no females on this list. The reason for that is that there were so many strong male characters that I believed demonstrated some of the show's best strength, reminding us what Glee was all about: singing, friendships and having fun. If I was allowed to list more than ten characters I would have thrown in Marley and Santana. Marley's honest and humble attitude proved that not everyone is cynical in high school. Santana's crude remarks towards others were just crazy enough to bring a smile to my face.

Personally, I believe that every character on Glee had some quality about them that makes them worthy to be put on my list, but alas, I only could list my top ten, so here they are.


1. Blaine
2. Kurt
3. Rachel
4. Burt
5. Mike
6. Jesse
7. Brittany
8. Lauren
9. Sue
10. Sugar

My film reviews site:


3. Artie
5. Finn
7. Quinn
8. Brittany
9. Puck
10. Santana


1. Brittany S. Pierce
2. Emma Pillsbury-Howell
3. Terri Schuester
4. Coach Beiste

Crazy or somehow flawed or wounded women are always more interesting

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."



1. Quinn
2. Santana
3. Mercedes
4. Tina
5. Sue
6. Blaine
7. Coach Beiste
8. Sebastian
9. Roderick
10. Will

I know some of these were written worse and worse as the seasons went on, but for the initial goodness, and for the laughs, I have to credit them.
