MovieChat Forums > Glee (2009) Discussion > Top 5 most unreleastic, ridiculous and a...

Top 5 most unreleastic, ridiculous and absurd storylines from Glee

5. Coach Bieste "has always felt like a man inside"
4. Mercedes Jones, successful recording artist, signed to a real record label
3. Kurt is accepted into NYADA despite having no standout talents or abilities
2. Artie is desirable and gets laid by hot chicks (or anyone for that matter)
1. Muscleman Kurt Hummel

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1. Kitty tricking Marley into an eating disorder.
2. Brittany not remembering she dated Artie.
3. Sue not getting fired for throwing kids among many other things.
4. The lady at NYADA going out of her way to give Rachel a second chance, along with Kurt & Blaine getting in.
5. Ryder's catfishing storyline, if only because it ended on a cliffhanger then was completely ignored the next season.


1. Agreed with Coach Beiste storyline. She wanted to be treated like a girl, was what she had said from the start.
2. Brittany is a genius – (insert multiple swear words here)
3. Rachel getting her own TV show after a terrible audition. Pretty much Rachel getting everything outside of high school and never really failing again
4. Any of the Glee club members marrying any of the other members…no. None of them had relationships that were strong enough to withstand even high school
5. Marley thinks she’s fat and has no confidence. Then has confidence a second later, but still thinks she’s fat? What in the actual f was that?
