MovieChat Forums > The Reef (2011) Discussion > As good as Black Water?

As good as Black Water?

What say you?


I prefer Black Water, but both movies are good (and suspenseful). The Reef is definitely way better than Open Water though. I hated that movie.


I enjoyed both intensely, as they were both very believable and very effectively built suspense. They both induced nervousness and were both fairly well acted. However I slightly preferred Black Water, perhaps it was just more macabre and therefore shocking. The Reef had more then its share of chilling scenes though- when the shark lunged at the group, breaking the surface for the first time was genuinely frightening, as were the attacks that succeeded this. Overall, I could watch both again quite happily.

Black Water: 7.6/10
The Reef: 7.15/10


I'd have to agree with the majority of posters here - Black Water is superior, but both are great, enjoyable, chilling films and if you enjoyed BW you're bound to enjoy this one as well. Recommended.


I thought it was absolutely bonerific! (Black Water not the Reef)

PS: Chufties x

ARH!, SHarK!

(shark attack 3 MEGALODON)



Black Water was more intense and had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. It also had the unpredictability in terms of who's gonna die next while in The Reef, we pretty much know the death order and who's gonna make it in the end.

"This is grief. I'm watching human grief - it's like offal in my mouth" - Illyria


I thought The Reef was much more suspenseful than Black Water. The characters in this film never felt safe, there was always a lingering feeling of doom since the shark could have attacked at any time. Black Water just didn't hold my attention as well, then again I also don't find alligators near as scary as sharks. I enjoyed Rogue more in terms of films about alligators/crocodiles, despite it being a bit more over the top and much less unrealistic.


I think they're both good, but I preferred The Reef. I think sharks are more terrifying, because you're in Open Water with no escape unless you have a boat.

Being stuck in the trees while escaping a crocodile doesn't appeal to me the same. I would be a lot more scared in the sea.

I actually preferred Open Water to both The Reef and Black Water. Not just to be different either. I will never forget the first time watching Open Water, it was such a thrilling movie that first time. Not much replay value though. For replay value, I think The Reef and Black Water are better in that respect.

Watching them for the first time though, Open Water got me most. Then The Reef which was really great, far better than Jaws, and then last of all, monkeying around in the trees, Black Water. Still a cool movie though.

I loved the death scenes in The Reef. The look of fear on their faces was marvelous! It's my second favorite shark film. :)


Just watched Rogue and think it's better than Black Water. Much more exciting. I was quite bored with Black Water, but I will watch it again soon to make sure.
