
I'm a big fan of both Tom Selleck and Kathy Baker and have watched all the Jesse Stone movies. But this one, in my opinion, was awful. The characters dialogue and everything about this movie was dull and depressing. If they make more Jesse Stone movies, they need to give Tom Selleck something to do other than just be depressed. It's one short scene after another, and listening to Jesse just made me want to take a nap. I get the background of Jesse Stone, but how often can you enjoy a character that barely reacts to anything and never smiles.

I'm not talking about a big action movie, just one that isn't a snoozefest.


The TV series follows the tone of the books as written by the author.

The book series, by Robert B. Parker, has had a successful run.

Sorry you don't like what millions have followed and come to admire.


Agree with the OP, this was the worst Jesse Stone movie.

Expressionless and depressing, very weak dialogue.


I can understand the films being sombre because the books were. However the films are so dull and badly written that I am shocked it has run for so many years.

Its that man again!!


I actually like the dialogue. IT is playful but delivered in such a deadpan way. So it's difficult to get the playfulness in the dialogue at times in Jesse Stone movies. But I think I'm getting there.


What works in books doesn't always work in movies.

I am a fan of Tom Selleck's, but this is a pretty one-note characterization. And it doesn't play to his strengths at all. Frankly I think an actor with more complexity would make it more interesting.


Respectfully disagree. I think No Remorse is one of the best in the series. It allows for some much needed humor, let’s Jesse grow a bit in relation to his ex-wife, and takes a large part of the story outside Paradise (although I love that quaint little place).

Anyone looking for easy answers, fast editing, and always satisfying conclusions should look elsewhere. The Jesse Stone series is about a broken man, and that usually means messy.


Jesse being grumpy and obtuse is what makes the character interesting.
