MovieChat Forums > Warrior (2011) Discussion > I cry every single time

I cry every single time

I think it depends on the viewer, but i have cried in the end all 4 times i ve seen this movie. The final scene is phenomenal in terms of music, acting and directing.


Most people can relate to some aspect of the movie, whether it's grief, or family infighting, alcoholism, feeling abandoned, traumatic past, hating someone who treated you badly, etc. Even if you know sweet FA about MMA and fighting, you can understand the basic drives of the characters since life is just full of this stuff for many people. I have ridiculous amounts of family and sibling baggage, so I get it. It may be a sort of fairy tale but a lot of it rings true. Even for people who don't have alci dads or absent brothers or a dead mum, they got it as well. So it must touch some human nerve on some level for a lot of people.


...whether it's grief, or family infighting, alcoholism, feeling abandoned, traumatic past, hating someone who treated you badly, etc....I have ridiculous amounts of family and sibling baggage, so I get it.

You certainly touched on the many themes of the film perfectly. I guess such is the dominant themes of the life and experience of humanity itself. And you're definitely not alone with the emotional baggage you carry. I admit I'm the same what with father issues and cousin issues to contend with. In the former case my pop was distant and disengaged as I grew up. I learned little, if anything, from him. He wasn't much of a "father" at all. However, we're doing our best to let bygones be bygones. While my cousin who I looked up to like an older brother grew ever more distant from me in our late teenage years. He's married with children. I still don't know the reason why he chose to socialize less and less with me although my mom told me not too long ago now that she had been told by his father who is her brother that he thought I didn't want to socialize with him. It was the first I was hearing of it and I couldn't believe that no one told me a thing. Iae I still haven't reconciled with him unfortunately. So hopefully it'll happen at a later date or else at a future resurrection I guess...


The ending has me at the edge of my seat every damn time. And for me, it's a win for all.


watched it for the first time yesterday, cried like a baby it's a 10/10 !!
